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A language and development environment for realtime control of espresso shots on a DE1

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FROTH, a computer language to make espresso

This is a work in progress, and no releases have been made yet

This is an example screenshot of the debugger IDE: This is a super simple stack machine that makes espresso. Optimized so that it can be implemented on the Decent Espresso DE1 while using around 3 kB of RAM.

This is similar in some ways to the FORTH language, but not the same, so I'm calling it the "FROTH" language.

This is a tiny (and impure) sibling of a "real" FORTH. It is FORTH-like, but a lot less powerful than a real FORTH. On the other hand, it is hopefully easier for non-technical people to use. In a real FORTH the compiler is always running and advanced programmers add features to the language on the fly, so they can implement object orientation, multitasking, first-class datatypes, etc. as needed. In FROTH, the code is compiled once into a binary, and the binary is run on the DE1, but the compiler can do a little more up-front checking of the code as it sees it all at once.

This CPU works by reading things off a stack, processing them, and putting them back onto the stack. It's called a stack because it's exactly like a stack of plates, with the requirement that you are only allowed to touch the top plate on the stack. If you put plates on the stack, then the only way to take plates off the stack is in reverse order. In other words, a stack is "Last In, First Out". The plate you can reach is the "Top of Stack" or "ToS".

So for example, the "+" operation, would read two values off the stack, add them, and put one value back onto the stack.

The advantage of doing things this way is that you never need to specify where things are coming from, or going to, and this saves a lot of space.

So, to add two numbers, you would execute:

	2   // Put 2 on the stack
	3   // Put 3 on the stack
	+   // Add the two numbers.

So, to encode "23 + 57" would be:

	2 3 * // Put 2 and 3 on the stack, then multiply them. 6 is now on the stack
	5 7 * // Put 5 and 7 on the stack and multiply them. 6 35 are now on the stack
	+     // Add the top two values on the stack, to get 41

And "2 + (3*5) + 7" would be:

	2      // Put 2 on the stack
	3 5 *  // Put 3 and 5, then multiply, stack now holds "2 15"
	7      // Put 7 on the stack, stack now holds "2 15 7"
	+      // Adds last two values, stack now holds "2 22"
	+      // Adds last two values, stack now holds "24"

Of course you could write that as "2 3 * 5 7 * +" and "2 3 5 * 7 + +" if you wanted to. Note that no brackets are required, and it's alway exactly 7 operations to describe how those numbers are added; no brackets are required to set ordering. This works because the operators (+, -, *, etc) are "postfix" operators. They are the verbs that go after the objects. If the operators go between the objects, we call them "infix" operators.

This way of representing operations is called "Reverse Polish Notation" or "RPN". This name is very strange to me. It implies that things are being done backwards. Perhaps this is because English speakers are used to "subject verb object" and this works as "subject object verb". For symmetry I think we should call the infix way of doing things "Weird English Notation" or "WEN". Most people are used to WEN programming languages, but we won't hold this against them.

Stack Descriptions

It's useful to be able to tersely specify how an operation works on a stack. This is done using stack descriptions. There are two halves to a stack description. The half before the "--" is the state of the stack before anything happens, and the half after the "--" is what the stack looks like when the operation is done. The rightmost item is the ToS.

Get used to stack descriptions as they are a clean and powerful way to describe your code.

So, 'x -- (x+1)' means that 'x' is on the stack before the operation, and 'x+1' is on the stack after the operation.

For the '+' used above, the description would be 'a b -- (a+b)'. There are two items on the stack before, a and b, and after "+" runs, there is one item, and it is (a+b).

CPU Opcodes

An opcode is an instruction to the CPU. An "operation code". Computers process numbers, so we use a number to represent a thing the CPU could do. "0" could mean "+", "1" could be "/", "2" could be "-", etc.

The CPU executes a stream of opcodes. Each opcode is 1 byte, except for:

  • PCIMMS : 2 bytes. Opcode + a single signed byte
  • IMMS : 2 bytes. Opcode + a single signed byte.
  • IMMU : 3 bytes. Opcode + two bytes representing a 16-bit unsigned number
  • IMMF : 5 bytes. Opcode + 32-bit float immediate to be loaded onto the stack.

All internal arithmetic operations in this CPU are on floats, and the stack holds floats only. A float is a number with a decimal point. The point can move around, so it's a "floating point" number, which is where this silly and unexpected name comes from. For example, "2.0", "0.2", "0.0002", "20.0". Floats are great because they can describe numbers that are not integers. People program with integers all the time, but it's annoying and not for beginners. Representing the root of 2 using integers is a pain, for example. In fact, behind the scene, floats are actually implemented using integers, but it's all nicely hidden from you (mostly).

If an integer value is needed, say for bitwise operations, the float is rounded to the nearest integer for the operation, then converted back to a float. Be aware that a 32-bit float can only represent 24 bits of an integer exactly, so keep bitwise integer operations at or below this number of bits if you don't want to think about possible issues. Floats have issues for exact arithmetic, but I decided that they would be easier for non-technical people to use for our use cases.


Opcode Name Stack Inputs "--" Stack Outputs Comments
DUP x -- x x Duplicate value on top of stack.
DROP x y -- x Discard TOS.
OVER x y -- x y x Duplicates the value at TOS-1. (Call twice to duplicate both values)
SWAP x y -- y x Swap x and y.
COPY x -- Stack[-x] Copy value(s) out of the stack at position TOS - x. Every 4 bits corresponds to an item.
ROT a b c -- b c a Rotate top 3 values of stack around. Move beginning to end.
NROT a b c -- c a b Rotate top 3 values of stack around. Move end to beginning.
+ x y -- (x+y) Add x and y.
- x y -- (x-y) Subtract y from x.
* x y -- (x*y) Multiply x and y.
/ x y -- (x/y) Divide x by y.
POW x y -- pow(x,y) Take x to the power of y.
NEG x -- (-x) Invert sign of TOS.
REC x -- (1/x) Reciprocal of TOS.
TZ x -- (1 or 0) Test Zero. TOS = 1 if x = 0, else 0
TGT x y -- (x>y) Test Greater Than. TOS = 1 if x > y, else 0
TLT x y -- (x<y) Test Less Than. TOS = 1 if x < y, else 0
TGE x y -- (x>=y) Test Greater or Equal. TOS = 1 if x >= y, else 0
TLE x y -- (x<=y) Test Less or Equal. TOS = 1 if x <= y, else 0
TIN x -- (1 or 0) Test Invalid Number. TOS = 1 if x is NaN or Inf
OR x y -- (x OR y) Bitwise integer OR. Note that a FLOAT32 can only represent up to 24-bit integers exactly.
AND x y -- (x AND y) Bitwise integer AND
XOR x y -- (x XOR y) Bitwise integer XOR
BINV x -- (~x) Bitwise Inverse. x is rounded to the nearest integer before the operation
BNZ x a -- Branch to a if x != 0.
BZ x a -- Branch to a if x == 0.
BRA a -- Branch to a.
CALL x Execute word x.
; Returns to calling word. Use at end of word only.
EXIT Returns to calling word. Use in middle of words, only.
WAIT Sleep until the start of the next AC cycle.
NOP Does nothing.
TOR x -- Pop x and push to Return Stack
FROMR -- x Pop from Return Stack and push to ToS
COPYR a -- x Copy value at index [a] on Return Stack to ToS (TODO)
PCIMMS # -- x Push PC + # onto the stack.
IMM # -- x Push an immediate value from (0..127) onto the stack.
IMMS # -- x Push an immediate value from (-127 to 128) onto the stack.
IMMU # -- x Push an immediate value from (0 to 65536) onto the stack.
IMMF # -- x Push an immediate single-precision float (32-bit) onto the stack.
! x y -- [y] = x Store x at address y.
@ y -- [y] Fetch a value from address y, put it on the stack.
!B x y -- [y] = x Convert x to a single byte and store it at address y.
@B y -- [y] Load a single byte from position y in the packet store.
TXP -- x Send a packet if possible. Return 1 if sent, 0 if dropped.
RXP? -- x Return 1 if a packet arrived, else zero. PacketData RX area is not modified until this is called.
IOR x -- IO[x] Read value of type x. (Reads state or sensor)
IOW x y -- Put value x to control y. (Commands a state or target value)
IORT x -- LastIO[x] Read last value written to y. (Reads back what the machine actually accepted)


FROTH uses "//" to start a comment. The compiler ignores everything after a "//". Humans use these to leave notes about what they are doing, in their code, beause humans forget things and are so dumb they even have to explain their own code to themselves.


A word is a command to the CPU do something. In fact, "opcodes" are just words built into the CPU. We can define new words, which are just collections of words themselves. We call this collection of words a dictionary.

FROTH uses ":" to define a new word entry and ";" to end a definition. For example:

    : AddOne 1 + ;  // x -- (x+1)

Using this word will put 1 on the stack, then do an add, then go on to the next word. Words can be layered on top of each other.

    : StupidAddThree AddOne AddOne AddOne ; // x -- (x+3)

Using this word will add 3 to the top of the stack, in a particularly dumb way. But it shows how you can make words out of other words.

Details on Special Words

Skip this section if you are beginner. :-)

IMM is a virtual opcode in that any opcode with the top bit set is seen as a 7-bit unsigned immediate value. So it's actually 128 opcodes, which represent the numbers 0 through 128.

FOR is used to implement the beginning of a FOR loop. {} is used to represent the control stack:

    FOR limit step index nextblockaddr
      -- {limit step index startaddr}      // Index is inside limits


    FOR limit step index nextblockaddr
      -- ; PC = nextblockaddr    // Index is outside limits

FOR copies the limit, step, and start of the loop variables onto the control stack, if the start index is inside the range, otherwise it branches to nextblockaddr. Either way, it consumes nextblockaddr.

INDEX copies the xth index out of the control stack, onto the ToS. 0 is the innermost loop index:

    INDEX  x {limit1 step1 index1 addr1 limit0 step0 index0 addr1}
      -- {limit1 step1 index1 addr1 limit0 step0 index0 addr0} index_x

ENDFOR is used to implement the end of a FOR loop. It adds the step to the index and checks against the limit. If the index is out of range, it removes the control information from the stack and goes to the next instruction. Otherwise, it branches back to startaddr:

    ENDFOR {limit step index startaddr}
      -- {limit step index+step startaddr} ; PC = startaddr


    ENDFOR {limit step index startaddr} -- {}; PC = PC+1


There are two stacks in this virtual CPU. They are the Data Stack and the Control Stack. The control stack remembers return addresses when a word is called (this stack can also be called the "return stack" or the "call stack"). It also holds control variables for loops. The data stack is for everything else.

So, if the word "StupidAddThree" calls "AddOne", then the CPU's place in the word is remembered on the call stack while the "AddOne" words are being executed.

Higher level language features

As time goes on, I will add more of these. They are typically implemented in the FROTH compiler, rather than being directly implemented with words. You write these structures, and the compiler converts them to words.

For now, I have implemented:

    IF ... ENDIF 
    IF ... ELSE ... ENDIF

Still to do, maybe:


Program Executable Layout

The general format for a program binary is:

  Words (Program ROM)


A program starts with a max volume and a max number of seconds, for safety. The header also version numbers and other useful bits.


This is a list of words that are called in special circumstances.

I'm not sure what vectors make sense, and will add to them over time.

For now, there three vectors:

Vector Use
SHOT The word address called when a shot is started.
IDLE The word address called when the machine is idle and needs to set a group idle temperature and tank preheat temperature.
HALT The word address called when something has forced a halt of the SHOT program. Should be used to do clean up if necessary.
HOTW The word called when hot water is requested. Not used if 0.


A word is a list of opcodes that returns when done. Basically, a function that accepts a stack and that can modify it. You can have up to 256 words, and all words together should take less than 1024 bytes.

The last word defined is executed to start the program.

Program execution environment

Every second, the machine will execute a limited number of opcodes. This limit is still to be determined.

Memory Map

While the program is running, this is the memory layout:

Name Address Dec Address Hex RW Use
Scratch RAM 0 - 255 0000 - 0100 RW 64 Floats or 256 Bytes of R/W memory
Packet RX 4096 - 4111 1000 - 100F R Received packet, 16 bytes
Packet TX 4112 - 4127 1010 - 101F W Transmit packet, 16 bytes
Profile ROM 4128 - 8191 1020 - 1FFF R Profile settings received over BLE
Program RAM 8192 - 9215 2000 - 23FF RW Program RAM, 1024 bytes

Note that program RAM is written and read from address base 0X2000, but is executed at address 0. This is so that accesses to scratch RAM, and branch/call targets can be encoded cheaply.

Packet data:

There is space for a packet of data to be sent, and a packet of data to be received. Each packet is exactly 16 bytes long. All bytes are sent or received.

The RX packet area is read only, and the TX packet area is write only.

The TXP opcode sends the contents of the TX packet area.

The RXP? opcode checks to see if there is a packet available, and copies it into the RX area if so. It returns 1 if there is a new packet, else zero.

The IO Region

This is the region used to control and respond to the espresso machine. It is adjacent to the main memory map in that it is only accessible using the IOR, IOW, and IORT opcodes.

Doing a IOR reads a sensor value, or the current state of the machine. IOW commands a state or asks that a sensor value be targeted.

For example, writing "10" to "Pressure" sets 10 as a target pressure to reach. An IOR of "Pressure" will return the current pressure, and IORT will return "10" telling you what it thinks the target is that you requested. Writing to slots that make no sense will halt your program. Writing an out of range value will silently clamp the value to the allowed range, and you'll be able to see this clamping if you use IORT to read back your write.

The currently defined IO consts are:

Value Name RWT Use
0 IO_Pressure RWT Pressure
1 IO_Flow RWT Flow
2 IO_ShowerTemp RWT Shower Temp
3 IO_GroupMetalTemp RWT Group head temperature
4 IO_GroupInletTemp RWT Fluid temperature at the group head inlet
5 IO_Vol RWT Estimated volume since start of shot
6 IO_NumSeconds RWT Time since start of shot
7 IO_ReportedState RWT Substate we last reported

The Profile Region

This is a read-only view on the profile data sent over BLE to the machine, for current normal and advanced profiles. The FROTH script may opt to read from this area so that it can sequence shots using the settings stored here.

The FROTH Language

Your job as the programmer is to define the words that will be executed.

Each program will start with "Program(Name, MaxVol, MaxSecs)". MaxVol and MaxSecs are safety limits that the DE1 will not let the program exceed.

There are a few reserved words. All opcodes, and ":" and ";".

: means define a word.

; means compile a word and add it to the dictionary.

;( is the same as ";", but adds extra information for debugging.

{Label} means define a point that can be branched to.

Angle bracket tags (for example <Name>) add debug information for the debugger. They provide a symbolic name for the ToS. The CPU never sees this, but the Delgona debugger sees this information so that it can describe the stack better for you.

Any number will be encoded using the shortest appropriate IMM opcode.

There are convenience words defined for IO slots. Each will start with "IO_".

Comments start with "//". The compiler ignores them.

Here is a (NOW OBSOLETE) example. Some features have changed, and others have been added. It's still fairly close though:

Program("Simple flat 9 bar 30s 92.5C shot", 500, 120)

: SetPressure  // Define word "SetPressure" to set the machine pressure
  IO_Pressure  // Put constant referring to Pressure on stack
  IOW          // Write pressure to DE1

: SetTemp       // Define word "SetTemp" to set the machine shower head and group temperature
  DUP           // Make a copy of the temperature
  IO_ShowerTemp // Put constant referring to shower head temperature on stack
  IOW           // Set target temp
  IO_GroupTemp  // Group head metal temperature
  IOW           // Set target temp

: GetSeconds     // Get number of seconds elapsed since start of shot
  IO_NumSeconds  // Put constant referring to number of seconds since start of shot on stack
  IOR            // Read number of seconds

: SecsReached    // Return 1 if we've reached the given number of seconds
  GetSeconds     // x secs   Get the number of seconds elapsed
  SWAP           // secs x   Swap x and seconds
  TGE            // (secs&gt;=x) 1 if seconds &gt; x, else 0
  ; // Return 1 if we've reached the end of the shot

: EndTheShot // Tell the DE1 to stop

// Define the actual shot
: Shot
  92.5 SetTemp    // Set group temperature to 92.5 deg C
  9 SetPressure   // Set the pressure target
{NotDoneYet}      // Define a label
  WAIT            // Wait until next AC Cycle
  30 SecsReached  // Returns 1 if seconds reached, else zero
  NotDoneYet BZ   // Jump to label if seconds not reached
  EndTheShot      // Tell DE1 to stop

Note that this could have been written as follows, with no change in meaning:

Program("Simple flat 9 bar 30s 92C shot", 500, 120)

: SetPressure IO_Pressure IOW ;
: SetTemp DUP IO_ShowerTemp IOW IO_GroupTemp IOW ;
: GetSeconds IO_NumSeconds IOR ; 
: SecsReached GetSeconds SWAP TGE ;
: EndTheShot IO_EndShot 1 IOW ;

// Define the actual shot
: Shot
  92.5 SetTemp     // Set group temperature to 92.5 deg C
  9 SetPressure    // Set the pressure target
{NotDoneYet}       // Define a label
  WAIT             // Wait until next AC Cycle
  30 SecsReached   // Returns 1 if seconds reached, else zero
  BZ NotDoneYet    // Jump to label if seconds not reached
  EndTheShot       // Tell DE1 to stop

This program takes around 40 bytes of memory in total.

Adding Features for Debugging

The extended debugging format for a word will look like this:

:(SLength -- ReachedBool) SecsReached

Everything in the brackets is used to create debug information for the debugger. In the debugger, the different stack positions will use the names given, during single step debugging. The compiled code will not use the extra information.

Also, the programmer can insert tags anywhere, and they are used to describe the ToS.

For example:

: GetSeconds     // Get number of seconds elapsed since start of shot
  IO_NumSeconds  // Put constant referring to number of seconds since start of shot on stack
  IOR            // Read number of seconds

The debugger will call the stack element associated with the return value from this word "Seconds". THe CPU will be completely unaware of this, as none of this information is passed to it. This is just extra information for human consumption.

Binary Format

The binary format will be as follows. All numbers are little endian.

Address Use
0000 - 0003 'EFVM'
0004 - 0005 Version. U16. 0 for this layout
0006 - 0007 MaxVol (ml), 1 - 1024
0008 - 0009 MaxSec ( s), 1 - 600
000A - 000B ROM Start. The start of the program ROM, as a byte offset into the file.
000C - 000D Vector: SHOT : Start address for execution of a shot. 0 means not used.
000E - 000F Vector: IDLE : Called to set group and preheat temps. 0 means not used.
0010 - 0011 Vector: HALT : Called to cleanup a shot if an error occurs. 0 means not used.
xxxx - xxxx Length of program ROM in bytes.
000E - xxxx Program ROM


These are things I am working on.

  • Move all store and fetch operations to the same memory space.
  • DearPyGUI has made API-breaking changes moving from 0.6 to 0.7. Rewrite debugger to use it.


A language and development environment for realtime control of espresso shots on a DE1






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