An example Amazon RDS Aurora Serverless PostgreSQL database that can be used from an AWS EC2 Ubuntu Virtual Machine.
NB For an Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL example see the rgl/terraform-aws-rds-postgres-example repository.
This will:
- Use the Amazon RDS Aurora Serverless PostgreSQL service.
- Create a Database Cluster.
- Create a Database Instance.
- Create an example Ubuntu Virtual Machine.
- Can be used to access the Database Instance.
- Create a VPC and all the required plumbing required for the Ubuntu Virtual Machine to use an Amazon RDS Aurora Serverless PostgreSQL Database Instance.
Install the tools:
Set the AWS Account credentials using SSO, e.g.:
# set the account credentials.
# NB the aws cli stores these at ~/.aws/config.
# NB this is equivalent to manually configuring SSO using aws configure sso.
# see
# see
cat > <<'EOF'
# set the environment variables to use a specific profile.
# NB use aws configure sso to configure these manually.
# e.g. use the pattern <aws-sso-session>-<aws-account-id>-<aws-role-name>
export aws_sso_session='example'
export aws_sso_start_url=''
export aws_sso_region='eu-west-1'
export aws_sso_account_id='123456'
export aws_sso_role_name='AdministratorAccess'
export AWS_PROFILE="$aws_sso_session-$aws_sso_account_id-$aws_sso_role_name"
# configure the ~/.aws/config file.
# NB unfortunately, I did not find a way to create the [sso-session] section
# inside the ~/.aws/config file using the aws cli. so, instead, manage that
# file using python.
python3 <<'PY_EOF'
import configparser
import os
aws_sso_session = os.getenv('aws_sso_session')
aws_sso_start_url = os.getenv('aws_sso_start_url')
aws_sso_region = os.getenv('aws_sso_region')
aws_sso_account_id = os.getenv('aws_sso_account_id')
aws_sso_role_name = os.getenv('aws_sso_role_name')
aws_profile = os.getenv('AWS_PROFILE')
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
aws_config_directory_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.aws')
aws_config_path = os.path.join(aws_config_directory_path, 'config')
if os.path.exists(aws_config_path):
config[f'sso-session {aws_sso_session}'] = {
'sso_start_url': aws_sso_start_url,
'sso_region': aws_sso_region,
'sso_registration_scopes': 'sso:account:access',
config[f'profile {aws_profile}'] = {
'sso_session': aws_sso_session,
'sso_account_id': aws_sso_account_id,
'sso_role_name': aws_sso_role_name,
'region': aws_sso_region,
os.makedirs(aws_config_directory_path, mode=0o700, exist_ok=True)
with open(aws_config_path, 'w') as f:
unset aws_sso_start_url
unset aws_sso_region
unset aws_sso_session
unset aws_sso_account_id
unset aws_sso_role_name
# show the user, user amazon resource name (arn), and the account id, of the
# profile set in the AWS_PROFILE environment variable.
if ! aws sts get-caller-identity >/dev/null 2>&1; then
aws sso login
aws sts get-caller-identity
Or, set the AWS Account credentials using an Access Key, e.g.:
# set the account credentials.
# NB get these from your aws account iam console.
# see Managing access keys (console) at
cat > <<'EOF'
# set the default region.
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION='eu-west-1'
# show the user, user amazon resource name (arn), and the account id.
aws sts get-caller-identity
Load the secrets:
Initialize terraform:
make terraform-init
Launch the example:
rm -f terraform.log
make terraform-apply
Show the terraform state:
make terraform-show
At VM initialization time cloud-init will run the
script to launch the example application.
After VM initialization is done (check the instance system log for cloud-init entries), test the app
while ! wget -qO- "http://$(terraform output --raw app_ip_address)/test"; do sleep 3; done
And open a shell inside the VM:
ssh "ubuntu@$(terraform output --raw app_ip_address)"
cloud-init status --wait
less /var/log/cloud-init-output.log
systemctl status app
journalctl -u app
Try accessing the Aurora PostgreSQL Database Instance, from within the AWS VPC, using psql
ssh "ubuntu@$(terraform output --raw app_ip_address)" \
LC_ALL='C.UTF-8' \
PGSSLMODE='verify-full' \
PGHOST="$(printf '%q' "$(terraform output --raw db_address)")" \
PGDATABASE='postgres' \
PGUSER="$(printf '%q' "$(terraform output --raw db_admin_username)")" \
PGPASSWORD="$(printf '%q' "$(terraform output --raw db_admin_password)")" \
psql \
--echo-all \
--no-password \
--variable ON_ERROR_STOP=1 \
-- show information the postgresql version.
select version();
-- show information about the current connection.
select current_user, current_database(), inet_client_addr(), inet_client_port(), inet_server_addr(), inet_server_port(), pg_backend_pid(), pg_postmaster_start_time();
-- show information about the current tls connection.
select case when ssl then concat('YES (', version, ')') else 'NO' end as ssl from pg_stat_ssl where pid=pg_backend_pid();
-- list roles.
-- list databases.
Open an interactive psql session, show the Aurora PostgreSQL version, and exit:
ssh -t "ubuntu@$(terraform output --raw app_ip_address)" \
LC_ALL='C.UTF-8' \
PGSSLMODE='verify-full' \
PGHOST="$(printf '%q' "$(terraform output --raw db_address)")" \
PGDATABASE='postgres' \
PGUSER="$(printf '%q' "$(terraform output --raw db_admin_username)")" \
PGPASSWORD="$(printf '%q' "$(terraform output --raw db_admin_password)")" \
select version();
When required, re-create the app EC2 instance:
make terraform-destroy-app
make terraform-apply
Destroy the example:
make terraform-destroy
List this repository dependencies (and which have newer versions):
- Environment variables to configure the AWS CLI
- Token provider configuration with automatic authentication refresh for AWS IAM Identity Center (SSO)
- Managing access keys (console)
- AWS General Reference
- Connect to the internet using an internet gateway
- Retrieve instance metadata
- How Instance Metadata Service Version 2 works
- Amazon RDS Aurora PostgreSQL service
- Amazon RDS Aurora Serverless service
- Amazon RDS Aurora PostgreSQL resources
- Amazon RDS Aurora PostgreSQL User Guide
- Security with Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL
- Using Aurora Serverless v2
- PostgreSQL Environment Variables
- PostgreSQL System Information Functions and Operators