This repository contains demonstration code showing how to use the various Rewiring America APIs in a variety of applications.
Demo Python notebooks can be found in the notebooks
The demos include:
- Health Impacts.ipynb, which shows off the use of our Health Impact API.
- REM Demo.ipynb, which illustrates basic REM API calls.
- All About REM Statistics.ipynb, which digs into details on the statistics that the API returns and how they relate to one another in various circumstances.
Demo web site integrations include the following:
- A demo web site with a form and some JavaScript to call the API (in
folder); - The same demo web site written in react (in the
folder); - The same demo web site with better API key security using next.js and
GCP Secret Manager (in the
An API key is required in order to use any of the Rewiring America APIs. Please visit the Rewiring America APIs page to sign up for one.