This is a proving ground for the following features:
- Modular Gulp based build task manager
- Multiple entry point webpack configuration
- Dynamic UnCSS configuration
- Dynamic Modernizr configuration
- Local BrowserSync server
- HTML, CSS, JS & JSON minification
- HTML, CSS, JS, JSON & Color linting
- JS style validation
- SASS style formatting
- Inlined JSON data objects
- Image optimization
- Asset hosting with AWS S3
- Content delivery with AWS CloudFront
- Continuous integration with TravisCI
- Testing with Jest
- Static typing with Flow
- Scaffolding with Yeoman
- Content managment with Contentful
- HTML generation with PhantomJS
- Removed unused JavaScript with Google Closure Compiler
- Add version hash to beginning of filename.
- Image sprites
- Image conversion (PNG > JPG, PNG > SVG?)
- Favicon generating
- Update from JSHint to ESLint
- Add complexity, performance, size reports
- Styling HTML, CSS, JSON
- Documenting CSS, JS
- Allow configuration via CLI
- Improve task logs