(This demo was implemented on ubuntu 18.04)
It includes:
1) IBM MQ Installation
2) MyMQSender Springboot Application
3) MyMQReceiver Springboot Application (which listens MQ msgs forever)
Installing IBM MQ
1.1) download binaries - 'mqadv_dev922_ubuntu_x86-64.tar.gz' from:
https://ibm.biz/mq-advanced-ubuntu or
1.2) Unzip the folder you downloaded. The contents extract to a folder named “MQServer”.
e.g. /home/ravi/Downloads/MQServer
1.3) run following commands on ubuntu terminal for creating a user and group for running MQ client applications.
(user 'app' will be used in our Java application for sending and receiving mq messages.
Remember the password while creating user)
sudo addgroup mqclient
sudo adduser app
sudo adduser app mqclient
go to the MQServer directory crated at 1.2) e.g. cd /home/ravi/Downloads/MQServer
sudo ./mqlicense.sh -text_only
1.4) Go to the directory /etc/apt/sources.list.d
Create a .list file with a name - ibmmq-install.list
add the following 1 line in theibmmq-install.list file:
deb [trusted=yes] file:/home/username/Downloads/MQServer .
1.5) run following commands on ubuntu terminal
sudo apt update
sudo apt install "ibmmq-*"
1.6) check the installation by running following command on ubuntu terminal
output - should display version of MQ installed i.e.
1.7) setting MQ env for development by running following command on ubuntu terminal
sudo adduser $(whoami) mqm
cd /opt/mqm/bin
. setmqenv -s
1.8) creating and starting queue manager (this will be used in our java code for connecion)
crtmqm QM1
strmqm QM1
1.9) create a directory anywhere within your system, e.g. mkdir /home/ravi/Downloads/mqscript-web
then create a new file named: "mq-config.mqsc"
This is the script file which we will run to create mq objects and use them in our java code.
File url - https://github.com/ravibalsuni/springboot-java-ibm-mq/blob/master/mq-config.mqsc
1.10) run this file using following command:
cd /home/ravi/Downloads/mqscript-web
runmqsc QM1 < "./mq-config.mqsc"
1.11) run these commands to give authority to mqclient group
setmqaut -m QM1 -t qmgr -g mqclient +connect +inq
setmqaut -m QM1 -n DEV.** -t queue -g mqclient +put +get +browse +inq
Refer MyMQSender Springboot Project to send few messages on queue created via above command at 1.10)
We use following local queue - "DEV.QUEUE.1" to send messages
Refer MyMQReceiver Springboot Project to receive/listen those messages from same queue
We use same local queue - "DEV.QUEUE.1" to listen messages from, which was sent at step 2