Router PSR7 and PSR15.
composer require rancoud/router
Http package:
// Instantiation
$router = new Router();
// Add routes
$router->get('/posts', function ($request, $next) {
return (new MessageFactory())->createResponse(200, null, [], 'ok');
// Find route
$found = $router->findRoute('GET', '/posts');
// You can use PSR-7 request for finding Route
$found = $router->findRouteRequest(new \Rancoud\Http\Message\ServerRequest('GET', '/posts'));
// Dispatch (response is a PSR7 object \Psr\Http\Message\Response)
$response = $router->dispatch($request);
// Display Response
// Methods shortcuts
$router->get('/posts/{id}', function ($request, $next) {});
$router->post('/posts/{id}', function ($request, $next) {});
$router->put('/posts/{id}', function ($request, $next) {});
$router->patch('/posts/{id}', function ($request, $next) {});
$router->delete('/posts/{id}', function ($request, $next) {});
$router->options('/posts/{id}', function ($request, $next) {});
// Any methods
$router->any('/posts/{id}', function ($request, $next) {});
// CRUD method
$router->crud('/posts', function ($request, $next) {});
Use the pattern {name}
for naming your parameters
$router->get('/posts/{id}', function ($request, $next) {});
Use regex syntax for your constraints
// inline for simple case
$router->get('/{id:\d+}', function ($request, $next) {});
// complex
$route = new Route('GET', '/{id}', function ($request, $next) {});
$route->setParametersConstraints(['id' => '\d+']);
You can setup a global constraint when you use the same regex multiple times
$router->setGlobalParametersConstraints(['lang' => 'en|fr']);
// {lang} will use the global constraints
$router->get('/article/{lang}', function ($request, $next) {});
// {lang} will use the local constraints define by the route
$router->get('/news/{lang}', function ($request, $next) {})->setParametersConstraints(['lang' => 'jp']);
You can use on each route an optional parameters.
The parameters {page}
will be replace with the value 1
if it is not present
$route = new Route('GET', '/{id}/{page}', function ($request, $next) {});
$route->setOptionalsParameters(['page' => 1]);
// global middleware for router
$router->addGlobalMiddleware(function ($request, $next) {});
// middleware for only route
$route = new Route('GET', '/{id}', function ($request, $next) {});
$route->addMiddleware(function ($request, $next) {});
// for passing to next middleware
$router->addGlobalMiddleware(function ($request, $next) {
// you can add an instance of Router as a middleware
$subRouter1 = new Router();
$subRouter1->any('/api/books/{id}', function ($req, $next){
return (new MessageFactory())->createResponse(200, null, [], 'testRouterception books');
$subRouter2 = new Router();
$subRouter2->any('/api/peoples/{id}', function ($req, $next){
return (new MessageFactory())->createResponse(200, null, [], 'testRouterception peoples');
// you can add an instance of Router in a Route callback
$subRouter1 = new Router();
$subRouter1->any('/api/books/{id}', function ($req, $next){
return (new MessageFactory())->createResponse(200, null, [], 'testRouterception books');
$subRouter2 = new Router();
$subRouter2->any('/api/peoples/{id}', function ($req, $next){
return (new MessageFactory())->createResponse(200, null, [], 'testRouterception peoples');
$router->any('/api/books/{id}', $subRouter1);
$router->any('/api/peoples/{id}', $subRouter2);
// you can set a default 404
$router->setDefault404( static function ($request, $next) {
return (new \Rancoud\Http\Message\Factory\Factory())->createResponse(404, '')->withBody(Rancoud\Http\Message\Stream::create('404 content'));
// it will return false because no Route is matching
$found = $router->findRoute('GET', '/posts');
// response contains the default 404 callback
$response = $router->dispatch($request);
WARNING with 404 and Router as Middleware
// create new Router with default 404
$subRouter = new Router();
$subRouter->any('/posts/{id:\d+}', function ($req, $next){
return (new MessageFactory())->createResponse(200, null, [], 'read 1 post');
$subRouter->setDefault404( static function ($request, $next) {
return (new \Rancoud\Http\Message\Factory\Factory())->createResponse(404, '')->withBody(Rancoud\Http\Message\Stream::create('404 content from subRouter'));
// you can add a Router as middleware
$router->any('/posts/{id}', $subRouter);
// it will return true because Router middleware is matching on /posts/{id}
$found = $router->findRoute('GET', '/posts/incorrect');
// response contains the default 404 callback from $subRouter
$response = $router->dispatch($request);
If you use Router as middleware AND set default 404 then findRouteRequest
and findRoute
will return true
When calling dispatch
it will use the callback setted as default 404 by the Router middleware.
- addRoute(route: \Rancoud\Router\Route): void
- get(url: string, callback: string|\Closure|\Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface|\Rancoud\Router\Router): \Rancoud\Router\Route
- post(url: string, callback: string|\Closure|\Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface|\Rancoud\Router\Router): \Rancoud\Router\Route
- put(url: string, callback: string|\Closure|\Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface|\Rancoud\Router\Router): \Rancoud\Router\Route
- patch(url: string, callback: string|\Closure|\Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface|\Rancoud\Router\Router): \Rancoud\Router\Route
- delete(url: string, callback: string|\Closure|\Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface|\Rancoud\Router\Router): \Rancoud\Router\Route
- options(url: string, callback: string|\Closure|\Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface|\Rancoud\Router\Router): \Rancoud\Router\Route
- any(url: string, callback: string|\Closure|\Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface|\Rancoud\Router\Router): void
- crud(prefixPath: string, callback: string|\Closure|\Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface|\Rancoud\Router\Router): void
It will create all this routes:
GET $prefixPath
GET / POST $prefixPath . '/new'
GET / POST / DELETE $prefixPath . '/{id:\d+}'
- setupRouterAndRoutesWithConfigArray(config: array): void
In this example you can setup router's middlewares and routes with an array
$config = [
'router' => [
'middlewares' => [
'constraints' => [
'lang' => 'en|fr'
'host' => '{service}.domain.{tld}',
'host_constraint' => [
'service' => 'api|backoffice|www|m',
'tld' => 'en|jp'
'default_404' => 'callable_404'
'routes' => [
'methods' => ['GET'],
'url' => '/articles/{id}',
'callback' => 'route_callback',
'constraints' => ['id' => '\w+'],
'middlewares' => ['route_middleware1', 'route_middleware2'],
'name' => 'route1'
'methods' => ['POST'],
'url' => '/form',
'callback' => 'callback',
'methods' => ['POST'],
'url' => '/api/form',
'callback' => 'callback',
'host' => 'api.domain.{tld}',
'host_constraint' => [
'tld' => 'en|jp'
'methods' => ['GET'],
'url' => '/blog/{page}',
'callback' => 'callback',
'optionals_parameters' => [
'page' => '1'
$router = new Router();
// you can add a Router as a callback
$subRoute = new Router();
$router->any('/(.*)', $subRoute);
- getRoutes(): \Rancoud\Router\Route[]
- findRoute(method: string, url: string, [host: string = null]): bool
- findRouteRequest(request: \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface): bool
- getRouteParameters(): array
- dispatch(request: \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface): \Psr\Http\Message\Response
- handle(request: \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface): \Psr\Http\Message\Response
The difference between dispatch and handle is dispatch is used in first place.
Handle is from the PSR17 in Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface, it's useful for middleware.
- addGlobalMiddleware(middleware: \Closure|\Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface|\Rancoud\Router\Router|string): void
- setGlobalMiddlewares(middlewares: array): void
- setGlobalParametersConstraints(constraints: array): void
- setGlobalHostConstraints(constraints: array): void
- generateUrl(routeName: string, [routeParameters: array = []]): ?string
- setGlobalHost(host: string): void
- setDefault404(callback: mixed): void
Parameter | Type | Description |
methods | string | array | methods matching with the route |
url | string | url to match |
callback | string | Closure | \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface | \Rancoud\Router\Router | callback when route is calling by router |
- getMethods(): array
- getUrl(): string
- getName(): string
- setName(name: string): void
- setParametersConstraints(constraints: array): void
- getParametersConstraints(): array
- compileRegex(globalConstraints: array): string
- setOptionalsParameters(optionalsParameters: array): void
- getOptionalsParameters(): array
- getCallback(): mixed
- addMiddleware(middleware: \Closure|\Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface|\Rancoud\Router\Router|string): array
- getMiddlewares(): array
- generateUrl([routeParameters: array = []]): string
- getHost(): ?string
- setHost(host: string, [hostConstraints: array = []]): void
- setHostConstraints(constraints: array): void
- isSameHost(host: string, globalConstraints: array = []): bool
- getHostParameters(): array
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