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Raphael Mack edited this page Jan 3, 2019 · 13 revisions

You should know a few things about the usage of ActivityDiary.

The most important action you should know is to select your current activity. For that tap on one of the activities in the list on the lower area of the main view:

This will change the content of the upper area, which is dedicated to the current activity. If you are doing something new (or something that you did not track so far with ActivityDiary) the "+" in the top right corner will enable you to create a new activity.

A long press on an existing activity enables you to change its properties like name and color.

The "pen" action button enables you to attach a note in the diary for the current activity. View it by a left swipe in the statistics area. Clicking the "camera" action button will take a photo which is attached to the current activity, viewable with a second left swipe.

General navigation is done via the navigation drawer popup, reachable via the sandwich in the action bar, or by swiping into the screen from the left side.

For looking up what you did in some time ago you select Diary from the navigation menu:

The magnifier glass in the top right corner allows you to search in the notes, the activity names, everywhere or after entering a date in the calendar.

You can log each activity as often as you want, to do so several times in a row you have to finish it before restarting the same activity. By selecting another activity the current one is automatically stopped. For each of this instances you can add a note and attach pictures.

A click on entries in the history allows you edit the start and end times of the activity, edit the note and remove pictures.

The Activities in the list are sorted based on Conditions. You can select in the preferences which conditions shall be taken into account and what weight they shall have. With this you can choose pure alphabetical sorting or decide how next activities are guessed. Additionally there is a search function on the main view and in the history:


  • statistics
  • behavior on undelete vs rename deleted, warnings (similar name) and errors (activity with this name already exists)
  • condition weights cfg.
  • show deleted (maybe a chapter about how to handled deleted activities)
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