Reusable generic libraries for Arduino projects. The libraries are prefixed with the asl namespace (short for Arduino Standard Library) to avoid name clashes with existing libraries.
This set of libraries require at least Arduino IDE v1.6.8, where v1.8.1 or newer is recommended.
Click on the "Clone or download" button in the upper right corner. Exctract the ZIP file, and move and rename the extracted folder either to the location "~/Documents/Arduino/libraries" or to your custom sketchbook folder. Create the "libraries" folder if it doesn't exist. Open Arduino IDE and a bunch of new libraries should show up in the libraries menu.
Portions of this software have been modified from Arduino source that is covered by either [L]GPLv2 or [L]GPLv3. The licensing details are generally contained within the files themselves. However, if there are no licensing specifications, it should be treated as being the same as for the Arduino 1.8.1 environment (and later, as appropriate). It is also available free of charge.
For more information, including trademarks and copyrights and licenses, see
as well as the copyright and licenses for the relevant source files.