Quiz Application made with java
Import Scanner.
Import Array List.
Import Random.
Declare 2 Dimensional Array. (For Storing Questions and Clues as well the answers)
Declare an Array. (For Storing each user's username and Scores)
Declare an Array List. (For Storing user's data Array)
Declare a Int variable. (For Storing Number of Questions)
Declare an ArrayList (For Storing Anticipated Generated Numbers for Random Functions)
Random Functions (to Generate Random Int).
Initiates Functions (to Initialize the packet).
Ask Functions (to Generates Question).
Menu Functions (to Print Menu).
Sort Function (to Sort the ScoreBoard)
Search Function (to Search the Score)
ScoreBoard Function (to Print the scoreboard)
Stores Function ( to Stores the User's data Array into the Array List)
Option Function (to Generate the Restart Menu).
Selection Sort (to Sort the ScoreBoard)