Run 'clean.bat' to remove the containers and volumes.
Run 'build.bat' to rebuild the images. You will end up with a brand new Typo3 installation.
Place a sql dump file called dump.sql inside site/sql to import this dump during installation.
Run 'run.bat' to run all required containers.
Typo3 Backend:
- user admin:mystrongpassword (will change if you import a sql dump file)
MySQL Database:
- database hostname: db
- user typo3:mystrongpassword
- user root:mystrongpassword
- database: typo3
Executs 'composer install'. See composer.json for more details which dependencies get installed and which scripts get executed. There is also the possibility to import a SQL dump if a file 'sql/dump.sql' exists.
PHP FPM Alpine. Contains the php.ini.
Nginx server to serve the website.