In this work, we propose a neural network model which learns the intrinsic physical nature of nonlinear dynamical problems through the GENERIC formalism. The GENERIC structure of an arbitrary system divides the problem in a conservative term, related to the reversible evolution of the system (Hamiltonian mechanics), and a dissipative term, related to the entropy or irreversible part of the system. Furthermore, the degeneracy conditions of this formulation ensures the energy conservation and the entropy inequality, fulfilling the first and second laws of thermodynamics respectively.
The introduction of the GENERIC approach inside the neural network framework allows us to take advantage of current machine learning methods as a solver, while imposing the physical restrictions of GENERIC. In other words, we are learning the physics of a system from measured data, ensuring that future estimations of the state of that system will remain consistent, as they are imposed by those restrictions. We provide some examples of nonlinear dynamical systems to show how our physicalbased machine learning system is able to estimate the correct values, although the real equation is not known for it.
For more information, please refer to the following:
- Hernández, Quercus and Badías, Alberto and González, David and Chinesta, Francisco and Cueto, Elías. "Structure-preserving neural networks." Journal of Computational Physics (2021).
First, clone the project.
# clone project
git clone
cd StructurePreservingNN
Then, install the needed dependencies. The code is implemented in Pytorch. Note that this has been tested using Python 3.7.
# install dependencies
pip install numpy scipy matplotlib torch
The results of the paper (Double Pendulum and Viscoelastic Fluid) can be reproduced with the following scripts, found in the executables/
python --sys_name double_pendulum --train False --hidden_vec 200 200 200 200 200
python --sys_name viscoelastic --train False --hidden_vec 50 50 50 50 50 --dset_norm False
The data/
folder includes the database and the pretrained parameters of the networks. The resulting time evolution of the state variables is plotted and saved in .png format in a generated outputs/
Double Pendulum | Viscoelastic Fluid |
You can also run your own experiments for the implemented datasets by setting custom parameters manually. Several training examples can be found in the executables/
folder. The manually trained parameters and output plots are saved in the outputs/
python --sys_name double_pendulum --train True --lr 1e-3 ...
General Arguments:
Argument | Description | Options |
--sys_name |
Study case | double_pendulum , viscoelastic |
--train |
Train mode | True , False |
--dset_dir |
Dataset and pretrained nets directory | Default: data |
--output_dir |
Output data directory | Default: output |
--save_plots |
Save plots of state variables | True , False |
Training Arguments:
Argument | Description | Options |
--train_percent |
Train porcentage of the full database | Default: 0.8 |
--dset_norm |
Dataset normalization | True , False |
--hidden_vec |
Hidden layers vector | Default: 50, 50, 50, 50, 50 |
--activation |
Activation functions of the hidden layers | linear , sigmoid , relu , tanh |
--net_init |
Net initialization method | kaiming_normal , xavier_normal |
--lr |
Learning rate | Default: 1e-4 |
--lambda_r |
Weight decay regularizer | Default: 1e-5 |
--lambda_d |
Data loss weight | Default: 1e2 |
--max_epoch |
Maximum number of training epochs | Default: 6e3 |
--miles |
Learning rate scheduler milestones | Default: 2e3, 4e3 |
--gamma |
Learning rate scheduler decay | Default: 1e-1 |
If you found this code useful please cite our work as:
title={Structure-preserving neural networks},
author={Hern{\'a}ndez, Quercus and Bad{\'\i}as, Alberto and Gonz{\'a}lez, David and Chinesta, Francisco and Cueto, El{\'\i}as},
journal={Journal of Computational Physics},