Stack Overflow Annual Developer Survey (2020)
💡 To better understand and navigate the code, it is recommended to download it and run it on your computer
Table of Contents
1.Data sources
3.Project Motivation
4.File Descriptions
5.About me
🗂️ Data sources
The original data is more than 500 MB, to download please go to Stack Over Flow Annual Developer Survey and choose the dataset you need.
🦾 Tech/Framework
• This project is built using Python (3.9.4) version and jupyter notebook (6.4.11).
• Libraries used:
Pandas (1.4.2)
Numpy (1.22.3)
Matplotlib (3.5.2)
🎯 Project Motivation
My goals:
• Thorough study of the python.
• Study of data analysis
• Getting to know Python libraries better
• Refine my existing skills
• Acquire new skills and experience
• Create a new project for my Portfolio
For this project, I was interestested in using Stack Overflow data to better understand:
• What are the distributions of women with respect to country, ethnicity, level of education, etc.
• What are the most popular types of development/languages.
• What factors associate with high salary, eg. type of development, education level, etc.?
• People with what skills earn more?
📄 File Descriptions Each ipynb file processes specific year data.
Each file contains 3 large sections, namely: • import some Required libraries and data In this section we will import the libraries and data to be used in the future.
• Create functions for data processing In this section we will create the functions which help us to calculate data and create Bar Chart.
• Data processing with a certain classification This section deals directly with data processing
ℹ️ About me:
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