A simple C++ library that helps you build and encode Erlang structures (ETF).
- Version
- SmallInteger
- Integer
- Float
- Atom
- SmallTuple
- LargeTuple
- Map
- Nil
- String
- List
- Binary
- SmallBig
- LargeBig
- SmallAtom
- BitBinary
- NewFloat
- AtomUtf8
- SmallAtomUtf8
Not sure I really want to support these for what I'm doing right now, but maybe in the future.
- AtomCacheRef
- Fun
- NewFun
- Export
- NewReference
- Reference
- Port
- Pid
bazel build ...
bazel test ...
If you want to run a quick check (bazel build is a prereq):
This is what you get when you run the sample binary built with
bazel. It will generate a bunch of etf files that you can then
parse using file:read_file(...)
, and then converting the binary with
in Erlang.
psyomn$ ./tools/run_codec.sh
file-0.etf: [{}]
file-1.etf: [123.123]
file-2.etf: [<<"hello world this is a binary">>]
file-3.etf: [{1,2,3,<<"hello">>}]
file-4.etf: [one,two,three,ÿapple]
file-5.etf: [<<170,187,204,110:7>>]
file-6.etf: ['\x{1F00}\x{3BC}\x{3BC}\x{3BF}\x{3C5}\x{3B4}\x{3B9}\x{1F72}\x{3C2}']
file-7.etf: ['\x{394}\x{3B9}\x{3BF}\x{3B3}\x{3AD}\x{3BD}\x{3B7}\x{3C2}']
file-8.etf: [123.123]
file-9.etf: [#{1 => 2}]
psyomn$ cat ./tools/run_codec.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash
./test/data/binary_file_to_term.erl *.etf
The weirdness you see above in file 6, and file 7, are utf8 encoded atoms. They don't render well when printing but if you read file files from the interpreter, you get:
1> {ok, C1} = file:read_file("file-6.etf").
2> binary_to_term(C1).
3> {ok, C2} = file:read_file("file-7.etf").
4> binary_to_term(C2).
You'll notice I hand craft some of the binary payloads. That's purposeful, and I want tests to fail in case tags change (which won't but I sleep with one eye open so...)
- Add a builder to make usage of lib a little more ergonomic
- Write extern C stuff to make it C portable
Apache v2. See LICENSE.