Created Face-Recognition-Attendance-System using Python in my Sem 6.
Hardware Requirement: • Web Camera • Computer (i5 8th Gen, 8gb ram) • Hard Disk: 1Tb (to store all the images and database)
Software Requirement: • Visual Studio Code • Python 3.8.5 • MySQL Database • Microsoft Excel • Windows 10 • Latest Version of all Library
Python Libraries: - Tkinter: Tkinter is the GUI library for Python. Tkinter is the fastest and easiest way to create the Graphic User Interface with Python
Pillow: The python Imaging Library (PIL). It will allow us to do many different things to our image such as changing their file extension, resizing, cropping, changing colors and much more
OS: The module provides way of using operating system dependent functionality
MySQL. Connector: it helps the python to connect the database for records
NumPy: NumPy is the library for scientific and numerical computing in Python and it used for working with arrays
OpenCV-Python: OpenCV is an image processing library and it is used for image analysis like facial detection and much more.
in this Project i had use MySQL Workbench and then connect to my project
Admin Department: Teachers have to register and fill up details for login. If teachers have forgotten their password, they can reset it by clicking on forgot password. (they have to put just their email id) after successfully logging, while the admin and the teacher can add, delete and update student data. there are three main modules are as follows: Student Management System: add student details Take photo sample Train data update details delete details view student records
Attendance Management System:
View attendance reports
Import and export attendance file
Photos: View photo sample
Student Module: For student there is face recognition module in which they can open the camera and mark their attendance and there is one more option of qr code, when they scan the qr code it will open a google form in which they have to insert their details for attendance.