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de.NBI summer school 2017 on cloud computing
As part of the de.NBI Summer School on Cloud Computing for Bioinformatics from 25th June - 1st July 2017 in Giessen (see also http://www.denbi.de/22-training-cat/training-courses/256-cloud1) PhenoMeNalist Christoph Ruttkies (IPB Halle) shows how to lift a PhenoMeNal CRE on the local de.NBI cloud (see also the earlier blog post http://phenomenal-h2020.eu/home/2017/01/13/phenomenal-meets-denbi/).
The Deploy Instance Node will be used to deploy PhenoMeNal in OpenStack as it provides all prerequisites needed (docker, git).
- set up an instance in OpenStack with the provided "css_ubuntu_git_docker"
- assign a floating IP for external access
- assign a SSH key pair of your local machine
After the creation of the Deploy node:
- login to the running instance via
# root permissions are required as we need to use docker
sudo su -
# create a new folder in which you will put all necessary files in the next steps
mkdir css2017 && cd css2017
- Checkout the cloud deployment from GitHub
git clone --recursive https://github.com/phnmnl/cloud-deploy-kubenow.git
cd cloud-deploy-kubenow
git checkout development/bucetin
git submodule update
- Download and source the “Download OpenStack RC File v3” (Compute -> Access & Security), which is a small shell script setting a number of environment variables required for access to the OpenStack API
- Copy cloud-deploy-kubenow/config.ostack.sh-template to cloud-deploy-kubenow/config.ostack.sh
- Next, we need to modify the cloud-deploy-kubenow/config.ostack.sh to match our OpenStack installation. The required information is spread across several OpenStack horizon pages, or available through the OpenStack command line client
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Cloud Prefix Name
export TF_VAR_cluster_prefix="your_unique_prefix"
# Path to "Download OpenStack RC File v3" from https://cloud.computational.bio.uni-giessen.de/horizon/project/access_and_security/?tab=access_security_tabs__api_access_tab
export OS_CREDENTIALS_FILE="/path/to/phenomenal-giessen-openrcv3.sh"
# Specific for de.NBI Giessen openstack
export TF_VAR_floating_ip_pool="NETWORK_NAME"
export TF_VAR_external_network_uuid="NETWORK_ID"
# If your cloud provider is not allowing external nameservers, please specify here or
# uncomment and leave empty for provider automatic configuration
# export TF_VAR_dns_nameservers=""
# Master configuration
# Note: too small flavors might cause diffuse errors on your installation
export TF_VAR_master_as_edge="true"
export TF_VAR_master_flavor="de.NBI.default"
# Node configuration
export TF_VAR_node_count="3"
export TF_VAR_node_flavor="de.NBI.default"
# Gluster configuration
export TF_VAR_glusternode_count="1" # 1 - 3 depending on preferred replication factor
export TF_VAR_glusternode_flavor="de.NBI.default"
export TF_VAR_glusternode_extra_disk_size="100" # Size in GB
# Galaxy
export TF_VAR_galaxy_admin_email="yourname@domain.org"
# create password with e.g. head /dev/urandom | sha256sum | head -c 16 ; echo
export TF_VAR_galaxy_admin_password="yournewpassword"
# Jupyter
# create password with e.g. head /dev/urandom | sha256sum | head -c 16 ; echo
export TF_VAR_jupyter_password="yournewpassword"
- source the downloaded OpenStack RC File v3 (you are asked for your password)
source /path/to/phenomenal-giessen-openrcv3.sh
- deploy the cluster to OpenStack
./phenomenal.sh deploy ostack -c CONFIG_FILE
- At this stage you should see the progress in the "Network -> Network Topology -> Graph" of your OpenStack project
- Terraform talks to openstack
- Ansible talks to virtual hosts
- Launching kubernetes / helm -> packaging for kubernetes
./phenomenal.sh destroy ostack -c CONFIG_FILE
You can manage the Kubernetes (Phenomenal) cluster via command line or by using the Kubernetes Dashboard.
- Access the Kubernetes Dashboard in your browser
- Check available settings e.g. Nodes
- Login on the master node using the private key file vre.key in deployments
ssh -i ~/css2017/cloud-deploy-kubenow/deployments/id-phnmnl-config.ostack/vre.key ubuntu@FLOATING_IP_ADDRESS_OF_MASTER
- some useful commands (just for your information)
# show all pods
kubectl get all
kubectl get all --all-namespaces
# get more detailed information about pods
kubectl describe $pod
# restart galaxy (try not to use this for the moment ;))
con=$(kubectl get pods | grep Running | cut -d" " -f1 | grep galaxy)
kubectl delete pods/$con
sleep 4
con=$(kubectl get pods | grep Running | cut -d" " -f1 | grep galaxy)
kubectl exec -i -t $con -- /galaxy/run.sh --restart
# delete a whole pod (try not to use this for the moment ;))
kubectl delete $pod --all
All Phenomenal tools are accessible by the Galaxy environment shipped by the cloud installation. You can access Galaxy by the provided URL:
- login with the provided Galaxy email address and password (cloud-deploy-kubenow/config.ostack.sh)
- Access the workflow file and input files for the Statistical Workflow and download them to your local machine
Funded by the EC Horizon 2020 programme, grant agreement number 654241 |