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To begin:

Install required packages:

$ cabal update
$ cabal install cabal-install
$ cabal install --only-dependencies --enable-tests

Use the provided sample adapter

We are going to use the simplistic Test.MuCheck.TestAdapter.AssertCheck module for our example.

First, we need the coverage information of our tests. While it is not a required part, it is strongly recommended that you provide the coverage information of your module using -fhpc flag to ghc. MuCheck can cut down on the number of mutants generated drastically by using the HPC information.

Open MuCheck.cabal and inspect the sample-test executable, in particular, see the ghc options passed. It passes -fhpc. Next, we ask the cabal to build the sample-test for us.

cabal build sample-test

Now, run it to produce the required coverage information which is written to sample-test.tix in the current directory.

cabal run sample-test

We are now ready to run mucheck, let us run it.

cabal run mucheck -- -tix sample-test.tix Examples/AssertCheckTest.hs

This results (after a sufficiently large time) in

Total mutants: 19 (basis for %)
        Covered: 13
        Sampled: 13
        Errors: 0  (0%)
        Alive: 1/19
        Killed: 12/19 (63%)

This suggests that initially 19 mutants were generated, which was reduced to just 13 mutants that contained mutations where test suites can find them.

The run resulted in just one of the mutants being alive, with a mutation score of 63%.

All the steps above can also be done by running this make command in MuCheck directory.

make hpcex


Currently MuCheck is restricted to running mutation analysis on a single module at a time. In order for it to work, the module being tested should contain the tests also. Further the tests should be annotated with

{-# ANN <function name> "Test" #-}

If you have supporting functions, they should be annotated with "TestSupport". This allows MuCheck to find the tests to run, and also to figure out which of the functions to leave alone while mutating.

Take a look at the Examples/AssertCheckTest.hs to see how mucheck expects the module to be.

QuickCheck, SmallCheck, HUnit and HSpec

See the project pages on how to use them.

See alos the distributed version that allows parallel mutant execution across machines.