BEYONDGBrowse is a multi-omics sequence data visualization software based on genome browser JBrowse:
- Visualize multi-omics data in the same browser, including genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic data
- Extend jBrowse with backend service, support data preprocessing
- Support analysis of differences between multiple samples of amino acid sequences and protein mass spectra
- Support rapid locating proteomic data
- Support post-translational modification visualization of proteoform
- Implemented an efficient linear fuzzy mapping algorithm for proteoform sequences and mass spectral datasets
- Support online annotation of protein conceptual translation and proteoform sequence
- Online annotation also provides features like multi-user, version control and searching etc.
- Introduction
- 1. JBrowse installation & configuration
- 2. BEYONDGBrowse installation & configuration
- 3. BEYONDGBrowse User Guide
- 4. Developers
- Use Linux, MacOS or Windows OS with WSL
- Sudo permissions is needed if you modify the web server file such as /var/www
- Familiarity with the command line will help you follow this tutorial
Ubuntu/WSL/Debian OS:
sudo apt install git build-essential zlib1g-dev
sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools" sudo yum install git zlib-devel perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker
git clone jbrowse
cd jbrowse
git checkout 1.16.8-release # Specify v1.16.8
For users in mainland China, it's recommended to use a npm mirror before executing the command above
npm config set registry
npm config set puppeteer_download_host=
Change current directory to the jbrowse root
cd jbrowse mkdir data && cd data
Download reference genome FASTA file(GRCh38.p12.genome.fa)
Generate FAI index:
samtools faidx GRCh38.p12.genome.fa
Download sample BAM file(GRCh38.illumina.blood.1.bam)
Generate BAI index:
samtools index GRCh38.illumina.blood.1.bam
Create a configuration file,
touch tracks.conf
,write and save:[GENERAL] refSeqs = GRCh38.p12.genome.fa.fai refSeqSelectorMaxSize = 1000 [tracks.refseq] urlTemplate = GRCh38.p12.genome.fa storeClass = JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/IndexedFasta type = JBrowse/View/Track/Sequence key = _reference_sequence label = _reference_sequence showTranslation = false [tracks.alignments] urlTemplate = GRCh38.illumina.blood.1.bam storeClass = JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/BAM type = JBrowse/View/Track/Alignments2 key = sample_alignments label = sample_alignments
The structure of jbrowse/data directory:
jbrowse/data/ ├── GRCh38.illumina.blood.1.bam ├── GRCh38.illumina.blood.1.bam.bai ├── GRCh38.p12.genome.fa ├── GRCh38.p12.genome.fa.fai └── tracks.conf
# Start express.js development server and listen on port 8082 npm run start
# Nginx、Apache or Other web server sudo chown -R `whoami` <jBrowse directory> sudo mv <jBrowse directory> <Web server dir, eg: /var/www>
# Change current directory to Jbrowse root cd jbrowse/plugins git clone BEYONDGBrowsePlugin
# Edit jbrowse.conf in JBrowse root, append the following: [ plugins.BEYONDGBrowse ] location = plugins/BEYONDGBrowse
Global config file:
# Edit jbrowse_conf.json in JBrowse root: { "BEYONDGBrowseBackendAddr" : "localhost", //IP address of the backend service "BEYONDGBrowseUsername" : "Snow", // Username used for annotation "massSpectraTrackNum" : 5 // Number of default mass spectral tracks }
Track config file:
# Edit data/tracks.conf,append the following configuration: # Parameter urlTemplate = Corresponding data file: GRCh38.p12.genome.fa、GRCh38.illumina.blood.1.bam [tracks.BEYONDGBrowseProteinTrack] urlTemplate = GRCh38.p12.genome.fa storeClass = JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/IndexedFasta type = BEYONDGBrowse/View/Track/SnowSequenceTrack key = sample_protein_sequence label = sample_protein_sequence BEYONDGBrowseProteinTrack = true drawCircle = true animationEnabled = true showTranslation1st = true showTranslation2nd = true showTranslation3rd = true showTranslationReverse1st = true showTranslationReverse2nd = true showTranslationReverse3rd = true [tracks.alignments_protein] storeClass = JBrowse/Store/SeqFeature/BAM urlTemplate = GRCh38.illumina.blood.1.bam type = JBrowse/View/Track/Alignments2 glyph = BEYONDGBrowse/View/FeatureGlyph/AlignmentProteinGlyph key = sample_alignments_protein label = sample_alignments_protein
Recompile and start
# Change current directory to Jbrowse root npm run build npm run start
- MySQL >= v5.7
sudo apt install -y mysql-server mysql-client sudo systemctl start mysql-server
CentOS 7:
wget sudo rpm -ivh mysql80-community-release-el7-3.noarch.rpm sudo yum install -y mysql-server mysql-client sudo systemctl start mysqld
CentOS 8:
wget sudo rpm -ivh mysql80-community-release-el8-1.noarch.rpm sudo yum install -y mysql-server mysql-client sudo systemctl start mysqld
Windows: Download Community Version
Download the precompiled binary
Visit Github Release Page,Download the software package corresponding to your system architecture, then decompress it
Compile source code
# OS: Ubuntu / WSL on Windows sudo apt update sudo apt install -y build-essential git sudo apt install -y qt5-default qtbase5-private-dev # Since QtHttpServer is a Beta feature in Qt-Lab until now, manually compile and install the module is needed git clone --recursive qthttpserver cd qthttpserver qmake && make && make install cd .. mkdir build git clone BEYONDGBrowsePreprocessor cd BEYONDGBrowsePreprocessor qmake && make && cp GtfFilePreprocessor ../build cd .. git clone BEYONDGBrowseDatabaseImport cd BEYONDGBrowseDatabaseImport qmake && make && cp BEYONDGBrowseDatabaseTool ../build cd .. git clone BEYONDGBrowseBackend cd BEYONDGBrowseBackend qmake && make && cp SnowPluginBackend config.ini ../build cd # If all build is successful, the file structure looks like the following # build/ # ├── BEYONDGBrowseDatabaseImport # ├── config.ini # ├── GtfFilePreprocessor # └── SnowPluginBackend
Edit config.ini
[General] ; Backend listening port listenPort=12080 [Database] ; MySQL Database URL serverAddrress=localhost ; MySQL Database Schema databaseName=beyondgbrowse ; MySQL Database Username username=snow_db201905 ; MySQL Database Password password=snow_db201905
├── 2DLC_H3_1_ms2.msalign
├── 2DLC_H3_1_ms2_topmg_proteoform.csv
└── gencode.v29.annotation.gtf
File structure after preprocessing
sample_files/ ├── 2DLC_H3_1_ms2.msalign ├── 2DLC_H3_1_ms2.msalign.output ├── 2DLC_H3_1_ms2_topmg_proteoform.csv ├── gencode.v29.annotation.gtf ├── gencode.v29.annotation.gtf.output └── gencode.v29.annotation.gtf.output.tmp
visit http://<jBrowse URL>/
- A. Reference genome sequence
- B. Conceptual translation of Reference genome sequence
- C1. Proteoform sequence for sample 1
- C1α. Proteoform modification
- C2. Proteoform sequence for sample 2
- D1. Mass spectrum of sample 1
- D1α. Intensity
- D1β. Mass
- D2. Mass spectrum of sample 2
The mass spectrum is shown in RED / GREEN, which represents B-ION / Y-ION
Meaning of different colors in amino acid:
): Hydrophilic- PURPLE (
): Hydrophobic- RED (
): Acidic- YELLOW (
): Alkaline
Switch dataset
Top Menu <Track> -> <Dataset select> -
Modify sample size
Top Menu <Track> -> <Set mass spectrum track number>
Top Menu <Track> -> <Search annotation>
Support search by Contents, ID, Author or IP
- Jiancheng Zhong, School of Information Science and Engineering, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China.
- Student:
- Xuefeng Li, School of Information Science and Engineering, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, China.