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Mergesort3 Algorithm

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CS325 - Analysis of Algorithms Homework 2

How to run:

Language: C++ A makefile is included. Run make to compile the program (using g++). Run the programs with the following executable names:

  • ./mergesort3 - Runs merge sort on the data from data.txt
  • ./mergesort3Time - Runs a test to see how fast merge sort is for large n

Program Requirements (for reference):

Part 1:

Implement the Mergesort3 algorithm tosort an array/vector of integers. You must implement the algorithmin same language you used in homework 1. Name the program “mergesort3”. Your program should be able to read inputs from a file called “data.txt” where the first value of each line is the number of integers that need to be sorted, followed by the integers. Example values for data.txt:
4 19 2 5 11
8 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2
The output will be written to the terminal. For the above example the output would be:
2 5 11 19
1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6

Part 2:

Modify code - Now that you have verified that your code runs correctly using the data.txt input file, you can modify the code to collect running time data. Instead of reading arrays from the file data.txt and sorting, you will now generate arrays of size ncontaining random integer values from 0 to 10,000 to sort. Use the system clock to record the running times of each algorithm for ten different values of n for example: n = 5000, 10000, 15000, 20,000, ..., 50,000.You may need to modify the values of n if an algorithm runs too fast or too slow to collect the running time data (do not collect times over a minute). Output to the terminal the array size n and time to sort. Name this new program mergesort3Time.


Mergesort3 Algorithm






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