The PicketLink Installer provides an easy way to get started with PicketLink.
It configures a JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 installation with all the necessary modules, some basic configurations and quickstarts.
Important Note: Once JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 is updated with PicketLink 2.5 libraries and tools, the installer will no longer be necessary.
To run the installer, you need the following:
Java 1.6, to run Ant and JBoss AS. You can choose from the following:
- OpenJDK
- Oracle Java SE
- Oracle JRockit
Apache Ant 1.8.4 or newer
Maven 3.0.0 or newer, to build and deploy the examples
If you have not yet installed Maven, see the Maven Getting Started Guide for details.
If you have installed Maven, you can check the version by typing the following in a command line:
mvn --version
The JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 distribution ZIP or the JBoss AS 7 distribution ZIP.
- For information on how to install and run JBoss, refer to the product documentation.
To clone this Git repository, use the following command:
git clone
Before starting, make sure you have unzipped the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 distribution ZIP.
If you want use the installer for a particular version (eg.: 2.5.1.Final) execute the following command:
cd picketlink-installer
git checkout v2.5.1.Final
After you clone the repository, use the following command to create the distribution package:
mvn clean install
Enter the target directory and unzip the distribution package:
cd target unzip picketlink-installer-X.X.X (where X.X.X is the current version)
Now go to the directory created from the command above and execute the following command:
cd picketlink-installer-X.X.X ant
Now just follow the instructions.
The documentation is available from the following link.
The installer updates the PicketLink module(which defaults to 2.1.x) in JBoss EAP 6 with the 2.5 libraries.
You don't need to change any configuration in your deployment to start using this version. The META-INF/jboss-deployment-structure.xml still looks the same:
<module name="org.picketlink" />