My computer science master's thesis in network and distributed systems.
Software Defined Networking (SDN) is an emergent architecture that is dynamic, flexible, manageable and with low cost, consistent with the dynamics of the modern applications. This architecture decouples the control plane from the data plane. Tipically, networks are represented as graphs. Based on it, this paper presents a network representation model using a graph through the control plane of a SDN controller. Our SDN solution adopts OpenFlow protocol. This project is based on POX, a SDN controller compatible with OpenFlow devices. The graph aproach provides a global view of the network in real time and consistency. The experiments show that the graph is a reliable representation of the real network and its events ocurred along time inside the network, thus easing the management in Software Defined Networking.
Distributed Systems, Software Defined Networking, Control Plane, Software Design
This project is written in LaTex. There is two folders in this project as follows. 'thesis' has the master's thesis document using the PPGCC template. 'presentation' has the slides using the TUDelft Beamer template. Inside each directory there is a Makefile that implement rules to build, run and clean projects. The results of projects build are PDF files: thesis.pdf and presentation.pdf.
- Build and run project
$> make latex
- Build project
$> make
- Run (read) project
$> make read
- Clean project
$> make clean
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