Digital photo frame repository for Raspberry Pi based upon fbi, Apache2, and HAP-NodeJS
The following are required for Canvas to operate. The installation's make file will install each of these individually if they are not already pre-installed.
node v8.2.1
The Canvas web application enabled you to use a Raspberry Pi's HDMI output to display images that are controlled by a web app optimized for use on mobile phones.
Control of the Canvas being on/off is controllable through Apple's Siri and Amazon's Alexa
git clone
cd rpi-Canvas
Start Services Upon Boot-Up
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
sudo sh /home/pi/rpi-Canvas/
just before the final line'exit 0'
Configuring Homekit Accessory
Use your favorite text editor to make adjustments. The name of the device can also be changed once added to Homekit, from the 'Home' app
Install Web App (iPhone)
Install the web application to your iPhone homescreen to quickly access your Raspberry Pi
Navigate to your Raspberry Pi through
IP address
Hit the Share button and select to 'Add to Home Screen'
Name the App or leave default
Select Add
Adjust Image Cropping Size/Ratio
Use your favorite text editor and edit lines 67 and 68 for width and height contained at
You will need to clear your browser cache to see changes
Images Not Appearing When Selected
The fbi framework that is used to publish images to the HDMI output requires a 'Terminal' to be selected. This is defaulted to 2 and has worked correctly on a Raspberry Pi Model 3b+ and Raspberry Pi Model Zero W. If your device has selected a different 'Terminal' as the HDMI output run sudo nano /var/www/html/settings.json
where "terminal":2 is replaced with a number between 1 and 5 until your images are displayed
Add Alexa Control
Add Google Assistant Control
Correct minor UI Element Issues
Android Web App
Control HDMI through Web App
Sync overall HDMI status to settings.json so Alexa/Google/Web/HDMI remain in sync
HAP-NodeJS by KhaosT
Croppie by Foliotek