A Python script to load clippings/notes/highlights from a Kindle (connected via USB) and save to a Google Sheet (or Flow Dashboard).
While https://kindle.amazon.com/your_highlights works well for purchased books, it doesn't include highlights/notes from PDFs and articles loaded onto the Kindle. Notes are saved as a .txt file on the device, but it's much more useful to collect them in a spreadsheet. This script makes it easy to automate this process.
Python 2.7
pip install -r requirements.txt
Setup for pushing notes to Flow
- Sign in to Flow
- Go to settings -> advanced, and set an API password
- Copy config.template.py to config.py and update constants
You'll need Google API project to authenticate the calls to Google Sheets.
Go to this wizard to create your project.
Create an oauth2 credential, and download the client_secret.json file to the main directory.
For more detailed instructions follow these steps
Create a Google Sheet. If you don't update the config, the sheet expects headers:
, Type
, Quote
, Source
, Location
, Date
Copy config.template.py to config.py and update constants:
- GOOGLE_SHEET_KEY - Key of the Google Sheet you created
Each time you want to save notes from your kindle, plug it in and run:
python push_clippings.py
To run tests:
python -m unittest discover -s tests