Tool to simplify workflow with Git-based Clojure dependencies using
- upgrade to latest SHA corresponding to release tags
- flatten dependencies
- diff upstream versions of Git deps
- link to local projects
- generate the next semantic version tag
- pack dependencies to run without uberjar
- find dependencies that have conflicting namespaces
- run test selectors with proper exit code
- import new deps in the REPL
Add below alias to ~/.clojure/deps.edn
{:git/url "",
:sha "31b449b979a4263c6ecbd1e1ec1b065391e3dc92"
:tag "master"}},
:main-opts ["-m" "vulcan.main"],
clj -Avulcan command args
Available commands:
upgrade Upgrade deps to latest tags for given org or prefix
diff Show diff of current and upstream tags for repos with given prefix
pack Packs Git and Maven dependencies
classpath Print the Pack classpath
conflicts Find overlapping or conflicting namespaces for given org or prefix
next-tag Generate the next semantic version tag
self-update Update vulcan itself to latest master SHA in ~/.clojure/deps.edn
test Run test-runner with given selector
link link local git repos
unlink unlink local git repos
The assumption is that Git tags are SEMVERs and correspond to releases. `-Avulcan upgrade` upgrades dependencies to the latest release tags for the given organization or prefix. This is particularly useful in Continuous integrations and local development.
clj -Avulcan upgrade -p <github-org>
e.g clj -Avulcan upgrade -p omnyway-labs
"wrote deps.edn"
# where prefix is the Organization prefix
# for a dry run
clj -Avulcan upgrade -p <github-org> --dry-run
To upgrade git dependencies to their latest tags and flatten out their dependencies, do
clj -Avulcan upgrade -p <github-org> --flatten
# or short form
clj -Avulcan upgrade -p <github-org> -f
This is useful where top-level repos could contain a flattened deps map for overrides and identifying stale dependencies. Flatten command also prints the dependents (parents) of the dependencies. For example:
{:mvn/version "1.4.0",
:exclusions #{org.clojure/clojure},
:dependents [clout/clout]},
{:mvn/version "0.1.30", :dependents [com.taoensso/timbre]}}}
To find the latest and current versions (tags) for given org
clj -Avulcan diff -p <github-org>
# output should be something like this
{"0.1.6" "2018-03-05T03:46:54.000+0000",
"0.1.7" "2018-03-07T01:50:08.000+0000"},
Sometimes, it is useful to “link” local projects that have local changes - similar to lein checkout. To get the similar behavior do
Link assumes that the project we’re linking is one directory above the vulkan directory.
clj -Avulcan link --project <org/project>
# or
clj -Avulcan link -p <org/project>
Unlinking is easier too. Make sure you unlink before comitting deps.edn to git
clj -Avulcan unlink -p <org/project>
To pack all Maven and Git dependencies into a single directory, do
clj -Avulcan pack
The above command packs all deps to ./lib/{git,jar}. We could tar, containerize and deploy Also pack generates a .classpath file that contains the resolved classpath string that can be used when invoking the service
java -cp src:`cat .classpath` clojure.main -m my.main $@
To find overlapping or conflicting namespaces for given org (or prefix)
clj -Avulcan conflicts -p github-org
The following projects duplicate the namespace
clj -Avulcan next-tag
For this to work, need to create a RELEASE-0.1.0 tag initially
clj -Avulcan test -s unit
clj -Avulcan test -s integration
This is useful to run tests with proper exit codes
(require '[vulcan.deps :as deps])
;; to import known libs in current deps.edn
(deps/import! :my-git-lib :latest)
(deps/import! :my-git-lib "0.1.40")
;; to try a new library not in deps.edn
(deps/import! '(hiccup {:mvn/version "0.1.0"})
(deps/import! '{org/project
{:git/url "",
:tag "0.1.98"}})
Copyright 2019 Omnyway Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License