Complete solution to smoothen every aspect of crop insurance settlement for local farmers, State Government, and Insurance Company.
Farming App: This website is a complete solution for your farming insurance problems. It uses image processing and meteorological data to help you resolve your insurance claims quickly and efficiently.
The KRISHI-SAHAYATA-APP utilizes the following technologies:
- Python
- JavaScript
- Matlab
- Database (PostgreSQL)
To set up and run the application, follow these steps:
Download the Package:
- Download the package from GitHub by clicking on the "Download ZIP" button on the repository's main page.
Extract the Contents:
- Extract the contents of the ZIP file to a directory on your local computer.
Install Dependencies:
Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where you extracted the package.
Run the following command to install any required dependencies (assuming you have Composer installed):
composer install
Set Up a Web Server:
- Install a web server software such as Apache or Nginx on your local machine. You can also use pre-packaged software bundles like XAMPP, MAMP, or WAMP that come with a web server, PHP, and a database server.
Set Up a Database:
- Set up a local database for your project using a database management system such as MySQL or PostgreSQL.
Copy Project Files:
- Copy your PHP project files to the web server's document root directory. This is typically located in
on Linux orC:\xampp\htdocs
on Windows if you're using XAMPP.
- Copy your PHP project files to the web server's document root directory. This is typically located in
Start Servers:
- Start the web server software and the database management system if they are not already running.
Access the Project:
- Open a web browser and enter the URL of your PHP project. This will typically be
followed by the name of your project's main PHP file.
- Open a web browser and enter the URL of your PHP project. This will typically be
- If your project requires any configuration, such as database connection details or other settings, make sure to configure these before running the project.
- Test your project thoroughly to ensure it is running correctly.
- The interface of the Bank directory is designed to be user-friendly, making it easy to navigate through.
- Provides tutorials on how to use the website and utilize image processing.
- My name is OmTanmaya Pati, and I am a full-stack developer who specializes in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, MongoDB, and React.
- I have the necessary skills to work effectively with these tech stacks.
Please note that the above instructions are a general guideline. Depending on your specific project structure and requirements, you may need to make adjustments to successfully set up and run the KRISHI-SAHAYATA-APP.