The centerpiece of the Terraform deployment process is a simple helper script
. For background information and changelog go to:
- Enable the Multi-Stage Deployment preview.
- Create a PAT token with full access to pipelines. You can delete the PAT token after setting up the pipeline or set its expiry to one day.
- Install the Azure CLI azure-devops extension:
az extension install --name azure-devops
. - Run the
bash script and feed in the required parameters. Details below.
Usage: ./ [-t <pat_token>] -p <pipeline_name> -f <yaml_file> [-h]
Version: 0.1
-t <pat_token> Personal Access Token that should be used for creating the pipeline.
OR: AZURE_DEVOPS_CLI_PAT environment variable.
-o <organization> Azure DevOps org, e.g. ''
OR: AZURE_DEVOPS_ORGANIZATION environment variable.
-p <project_name> Name of the Azure DevOps project, e.g. 'MyProject'.
OR: AZURE_DEVOPS_PROJECT environment variable.
-x <prefix> Short 2-10 letters prefix for the project, e.g. 'proj'.
OR: TF_VAR_prefix environment variable.
-g <git_repo_name> Name of the Azure DevOps git repo, e.g. 'myrepo'.
OR: AZURE_DEVOPS_GIT_REPO environment variable.
-n <pipeline_name> Name of the pipeline to create, e.g. 'MyPipeline'.
-f <yaml_file> YAML definition location relative to the repository root, e.g. './pipeline.yaml'.
-h Help: Print this dialog and exit.
The result of the script is a new pipeline:
... which triggers the creation of the following environments:
When using YAML pipelines in Azure DevOps, please think about the security and governance process that you need to establish in your team. What you in general want to avoid is a situation where a tweak to the deployment process would directly be executed without a peer review or sign-off (e.g. using a PR Trigger).
In general, you should enable Authorization for Service Connections and Variable Groups with sensitive information. By doing so you avoid potential secret exfill from an non-validated build pipeline.
Environments can be assigned a manual approval step. Just run the pipeline once and all environments will be created. Afterwards use the Environments section in Azure DevOps to enable via Checks.