DHT12 and FiPy Connection Daigram,
The data flow from the DHT12 senor to the ThingSPeak charts looks like,
The JS code used in TTN decoder function is,
function Decoder(bytes, port) {
var decoded = {};
if (bytes[0] + bytes[1] + bytes[2] + bytes[3] == bytes[4]) {
var humidity = bytes[0] + bytes[1] / 10;
var scaleValue = bytes[3] & 0xEF;
var signValue = bytes[3] & 0x80;
var temperature = bytes[2] + scaleValue / 10
if (signValue)
emperature = -temperature
decoded.field1 = temperature;
decoded.field2 = humidity;
return decoded;
Fipy: https://bit.ly/2VWfPvP
The Things Network: https://bit.ly/3dtxLnB
Thingspeak: https://bit.ly/2zm9aCu
DHT12 Datasheet: https://bit.ly/3clBPWT
About LoRa: https://bit.ly/2A9wkMA
About LoraWAN: https://bit.ly/2WGnHkr
Updating Firmware for FiPy: https://bit.ly/35KyfD4
FiPy VS Code Extension Setup: https://bit.ly/3bnwM6S
Setting up a cheap LoRaWAN Gateway: https://bit.ly/2WsiFHS
ESP32 LoRaWAN Node: https://bit.ly/2zjv2y4