This Role Has Been Deprecated: Please use the version in the oasis_roles.osp Ansible Collection
Installs and configures some basic userland tools to help with on-box debugging and configuration needs. Primarily sets up tmux and configures some useful aliases on the box
Ansible 2.8 or higher
Currently the following variables are supported:
- A list of usernames and directories to install configuration files to (e.g. .tmux.conf). Deafults to:
- user: "{{ ansible_user_id }}"
dir: "{{ ansibler_user_home }}"
- Default: true. If this role needs administrator privileges, then use the Ansible become functionality (based off sudo).osp_cli_tools_become_user
- Default: root. If the role uses the become functionality for privilege escalation, then this is the name of the target user to change to.
- hosts: osp_cli_tools-servers
- role: oasis_roles.osp_cli_tools
Greg Hellings