NYU DevOps lab that demonstrates how to use Flasgger to generate Swagger documentation for your Python Flask application. This repository is part of lab for the NYU DevOps class CSCI-GA.3033-013 for Spring 2017.
When developing microservices with API's that others are going to call, it is critically important to provide the proper API documentation. Swagger has become a defacto standard for documenting APIs. This lab shows you how to use a Flask plug-in called Flasgger to imbed Swagger documentatio into your Python Flask microservice so that the Swagger docs are generated for you.
I feel that it is much better to include the documentation with the code because programmers are more likely to update the docs if it's right there above the code they are working on. (...at least that's the therory and I'm sticking to it) ;-)
The easiest way to use this lab is with Vagrant and VirtualBox. if you don't have this software the first step is down download and install it.
Download VirtualBox
Download Vagrant
Then all you have to do is clone this repo and invoke vagrant:
git clone https://github.com/nyu-devops/ab-flask-tdd.git
cd lab-flask-tdd
vagrant up && vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant
Since this lab has no database (it's just an in memory array) you can use Virtualenv to setup your Python environment instead of Vagrant.
Note: If you are using a Mac, this will work right out-of-the-box becasue the Mac has everything you need to do software development right from Apple. If you are using Windows, you will need to install Python 2.7 and pip
first becasue Windows does not ship with any development tools. :( I strongly recommend that Windows users use the Vagrant approach above.
To use virtualenv
follow these commands:
If you don't already have virtualenv
you must install it at least once:
pip install virtualenv
To create a virtual environment to run the code use the following:
git clone https://github.com/nyu-devops/ab-flask-tdd.git
cd lab-flask-tdd
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
That will install all of the required Python packages using pip
into a virtual environment that isolates any library conflicts.
You can deactivate the virtual environment at any time with the command:
To activate
the virtual envirnment again just change into the directory and use:
source venv/bin/activate
If you ever run the server or the tests and you are getting an error that packages are not found, check to make sure that you have activated the virtual environment.
You can now run nosetests
to run the tests and make sure that everything works as expected.
coverage report -m
You can then run the server with:
python server.py
Finally you can see the microservice at: http://localhost:5000/
The Swagger docs can be accessed at: http://localhost:5000/apidocs/index.html
The raw Swagger specification JSON can be found at: http://localhost:5000/v1/spec
When you are done, you can exit and shut down the VM with:
vagrant halt
If the VM is no longer needed you can remove it with:
vagrant destroy
* server.py -- the main Service using Python Flask and Swagger
* test_server.py -- test cases using unittest for the microservice
* test_pets.py -- test cases using unittest for the Pet model