Standalone java file that implements Floyd's algorithm to find all-pairs shortest paths for a given weighted digraph.
- reads weighted digraph from file via command line (see floydTest.txt). The input file consists of the following:
- The input file may have zero or more lines of comments starting with 'c '
- followed by an integer that represents the number of nodes in the graph
- followed by one edge per line. A triplet of integers represents a directed edge, where the third integer is the weight of the edge from the first to the second integer. i.e. an edge 1 2 3 means that the weight of the edge from 1 to 2 is 3.
- Outputs results to file (see floydOutput.txt). Outputs each of the input and output graphs as 2-D matrices in the traditional (i.e. row-colum arrangment) format without any extra punctuations. Also can output the path (not just the edge) for a pair of nodes and it's weight.