git-gutter-fringe+ is a display mode for git-gutter+.el. It uses the buffer fringe instead of the buffer margin.
git-gutter+.el | git-gutter-fringe+.el | |
Works in tty frame | + | - |
Works with linum-mode | - | + |
Gutter on the right side | - | + |
With package.el:
Add MELPA as a package source. Run
M-x package-install git-gutter-fringe+
(And make sure you've got the latest version of fringe-helper) -
Add this to your .emacs file:
(require 'git-gutter-fringe+)
The fringe display mode is automatically activated.
Run M-x git-gutter+-toggle-fringe
to disable/enable the fringe display mode.
Features smaller, greyscale diff symbols. Activate it with
You can customize the colors of modified, added, and deleted fringe marks either by modifying the faces from git-gutter+ or directly using the git-gutter-fr+ faces.
Using the fact git-gutter-fr+ faces are inherited from git-gutter+:
(set-face-foreground 'git-gutter+-modified "yellow")
(set-face-foreground 'git-gutter+-added "blue")
(set-face-foreground 'git-gutter+-deleted "white")
Or directly, to allow different colors for git-gutter-fr+ and git-gutter+:
(set-face-foreground 'git-gutter-fr+-modified "yellow")
(set-face-foreground 'git-gutter-fr+-added "blue")
(set-face-foreground 'git-gutter-fr+-deleted "white")
;; Please adjust fringe width if your own sign is too big.
(setq-default left-fringe-width 20)
(setq-default right-fringe-width 20)
(fringe-helper-define 'git-gutter-fr+-added nil
(fringe-helper-define 'git-gutter-fr+-deleted nil
(fringe-helper-define 'git-gutter-fr+-modified nil
You can change position of fringe, left or right. Default is left.
(setq git-gutter-fr+-side 'right-fringe)