A Python based Psrplot like device that operates on and plots Scintellometry files.
Scintellometry source: https://github.com/mhvk/scintellometry.git
The file psrplt is the interface program that takes command line arguments for Psrplt.
It incorporates the user friendly features of Argparse to receive and interpret arguments.
As of now, Psrplt is capably of plotting:
- Waterfall
defines objects on which Psrplot operates.
Data is the most basic Data object.
It has many methods to manipulate and plot Data.
SpecData inherits from Data and in addition carries information about physical units.
This propagates to its methods which also operate on units.
#psrnpy is a program that allows Scintellometry compatibility with Psrchive.
It invokes the Swig based Psrchive python wrapper.
As of now, psrnpy converts:
- Psrchive .FTp and .ar -> .npy
#waterplot is the plotting program for waterfall data.
As of now, waterplot plots:
- Intensity map
#legacy is a basic waterplotting software from which the idea of psrplt originated.