React, Formik, and Yup are three popular libraries used for form handling and validation in React applications. Let's go through each of them briefly:
React: React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It allows you to create reusable UI components and manage the state of your application efficiently.
Formik: Formik is a library that helps with form handling in React. It simplifies the process of building and managing forms by providing a set of helper functions and components. Formik handles form state, form submission, field validation, and error handling.
Yup: Yup is a JavaScript schema validation library that works well with Formik. It allows you to define a validation schema for your form fields, specifying the expected types, formats, and constraints for each field.
When used together, Formik and Yup provide a powerful solution for form handling and validation in React applications. Formik manages the form state and submission, while Yup takes care of the validation rules.
In the example above, the validationSchema object defines the validation rules for each field. The Formik component wraps the form and manages its state and submission.
This is just a basic example, and you can customize it further based on your specific requirements. Formik and Yup offer many more features and options for handling complex forms and validations.
After submitting form see the result in console