Independent and reusable Plan, Subscription app used to build the Django Subscription Plan System
Under heavy development. Not ready for use yet. Please feel free to join and contribute.
The full documentation is at
Install django-flexible-plans:
pip install django-flexible-plans
Add it to your INSTALLED_APPS:
Add django-flexible-plans's URL patterns:
from flexible_plans import urls as flexible_plans_urls
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^', include(flexible_plans_urls)),
Create Features PlanFeatures, Plans through the admin panel to let users activate their subscriptions.
Plans have Features that describe them and what their subscribers can do or their quotas Users can subscribe to Plans and their Subscription can be activated, deactivated, renewed, prorated, upgraded or downgraded.
- Configurable, swappable Plan Model, to customize the Plan Class behaviour
- Dynamic imports from other app in the ecosystem to handle all the other aspects of having a plan subscription system
- Multiple plan types, with support of any combination of quotas, features, permissions.
- Multiple plan/subscription provider support
Does the code actually work?
source <YOURVIRTUALENV>/bin/activate (myenv) $ pip install tox (myenv) $ tox
Tools used in creating this package: