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Lightweight, easy-to-use and jax-rs-like for RESTful Web Services.中文文档
Put HelloWorld.php in your-project-dir/apis/
/** * @path("/hw") */ class HelloWorld { /** * @route({"GET","/"}) */ public function doSomething() { return ['msg'=>'Hello World!']; } }
{ "msg":"Hello World!" }
See HelloWorld.php, the annotations like @path,@route are used to define routers. Phprs also use annotations for two-way parameter binding, dependency injection, etc.
"orders manage"
* @path("/orders/")
class Orders
* @route({"GET","/"})
* @return({"body"})
public function getAllOrders() {
return Sql::select('*')->from('orders')->get($this->db);
* @route({"GET","/*"})
* @param({"id", "$.path[1]"})
* @return({"body"})
public function getOrderById($id) {
return Sql::select('*')->from('orders')->where('id=?',$id)->get($this->db);
* @route({"POST","/"})
* @param({"goods_info", "$._POST.goods"})
* @return({"body"})
public function createOrder($goods_info){
$order_id = Sql::insertInto('orders')->values($goods_info)->exec($this->db)->lastInsertId();
return ['order_id'=>$order_id];
* Instance of class \PDO
* @property
public $db;
Flexible routes
to define routes.@route({"GET","/patha"}) | GET | /patha, /patha/... ------------------------------------------+-----------+--------------------- @route({"*","/patha"}) | GET | /patha | POST | | PUT | | DELETE | | HEAD | | ... | ------------------------------------------+-----------+--------------------- @route({"GET","\patha\*\pathb"}) | GET | /patha/xxx/pathb ------------------------------------------+-----------+--------------------- @route({"GET", "func1?param1=1¶m2=2"})| GET | /func1?param1=1¶m2=2&... | | /myapi/func1?param2=2¶m1=1&...
Two-way parameter binding
is used to bind variables between function parameters and http request or response.------------------------------------------+----------------------------- @param({"arg0","$._GET.arg0"}) | $arg0 = $_GET['arg0'] ------------------------------------------+----------------------------- @param({"arg1","$.path[1]"}) | $arg1 = explode('/', REQUEST_URI)[1] ------------------------------------------+----------------------------- @return({"cookie","token","$arg2"}) | setcookie('token', $arg2) function testCookie(&$arg2) | ------------------------------------------+----------------------------- @return({"body"}) | use function return as http response body ------------------------------------------+----------------------------- @throws({"MyException", | try{} "res", | catch(MyException) { "400 Bad Request", | header("HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request");body(["error"=>"my exception"]);} {"error":"my exception"}})
Api cache
to enable cache for this method. If all params of the method are identical, the following calls will use cache.----------------------------------+----------------------------- @cache({"ttl",3600}) | set cache as fixed time expire, as ttl 1 hour. ------------------------------------------+----------------------------- @cache({"checker", "$checker"}) | Use dynamic strategy to check caches. | $checker is set in method, and will be invoked to check cache expired with $checker($data, $create_time), for examples use $check = new FileExpiredChecker('file.tmp'); to make cache invalidated if file.tmp modified.
Dependency Injection
to inject dependency phprs create API class and inject dependency from conf.json, which is looks like{ "Orders":{ "properties": { "db":"@db" } }, "db":{ "singleton":true, "class":"PDO", "pass_by_construct":true, "properties":{ "dsn":"mysql:host=;dbname=testdb;", "username":"test", "passwd":"test" } } }
Document automatic generation
The implement of a hook is the same as API.
An easy-to-use and IDE friendly SQL builder. Object-oriented SQL. @see https://github.com/caoym/ezsql
- Inject Remote service support
- User-defined annotations
- Graceful auto document