I'm Nickgismokato, a passionate developer specializing in Python and C#. I love creating tools that enhance productivity and make life easier!
I'm a software developer with experience in Python and C#. Currently, I'm exploring various projects related to automation and data extraction. I enjoy collaborating on open-source projects and contributing to the community.
- Satyr-Scheduler - Automatic Scheduler for SaTyR Revy (1 star, Python)
- ReunionLog - A Python script for extracting data from WarcraftLogs (2 stars, Python)
- DISProj - Project repo for DIS Project (0 stars, Python)
- ReunionLogSoftware - Software related to ReunionLog (0 stars, C#)
- MatRevy_Sound - Sound project related to MatRevy (0 stars, Unknown)
- Updated Satyr-Scheduler - 08/30/2024
- Created DISProj - 06/05/2023
- Created ReunionLogSoftware - 03/10/2023
- Created MatRevy_Sound - 11/16/2022
- Forked https-everywhere-greek-rules - 10/23/2022
No blog posts yet! Stay tuned for updates.
- Talk Title - Brief description of the talk
- Certification Name - Issuing organization, Year
- Publication Title - Journal/Conference, Year
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