This project is an abstraction of a computer’s data path design using object-oriented programming in C with supporting GIMP Toolkit (GTK+ 3) libraries to simulate the fetch-decode-execute cycle of an assembled program using the LC-2200 Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). The LC-2200 ISA supports RISC-style instructions with four types of addressing modes (R-type, I-type, J-type, and O-type) and eight different instructions: add, nand, addi, lw, sw, beq, jalr, and nop. The register-oriented 32-bit single-bus data path design contains five main components to support the CPU: memory, ALU, register file, program counter (PC), and instruction register (IR). These components serve as vehicles to carry out the simple instructions specified in the LC-2200 ISA to cater the needs of any high-level language.
External Resources
What do I need?
Be sure to set environment variable paths for these programs to link libraries (windows)
Environment Variables
How to operate?
- (if modifying src only) download MinGW (gcc compilier) and pkg-config-lite (helper tool used for easy compiling -extract folder inside C:\MinGW as "pkg-config-lite"), install GTK (place inside C:\MinGW name folder as "gtk") edit system environment variables stated above.
- clone repo.
- run gui.exe in src/assembler.
- copy text from official_test1.txt into assembler gui text area (an example assembly program) or load an assembly file from your hard drive.
- click 'assemble' menu_item.
- save assembly file to desktop or a location on a preferred drive.
- launch gui.exe in src/simulator
- open file menu, click 'load' menu item.
- navigate to assembled program and select it.
- press 'F5' to execute program instructions line-by-line
- repeat process from step 4, except now right your own assembly program using the LC-2200 ISA.
Batch File
Links C modules to accomodate easy compile line execution (only needed if modifying source code)
@echo off
set gtk_ver=gtk+-3.0
pkg-config %gtk_ver% --cflags --libs gmodule-2.0>tmp.txt
set /p pkg-info= <tmp.txt
del tmp.txt
rem echo %pkg-info%
cd src
gcc simulator/main.c simulator/simulator.c simulator/menubar.c simulator/registerlist.c simulator/instructionlist.c simulator/helper.c model/alu.c model/controlunit.c model/memory.c model/regfile.c -o simulator/gui.exe -Wall %pkg-info%
cd simulator
cd ..