This contains the source files for the Neurocracy promo site.
We're dismayed by how much knowledge and technology is kept under lock and key in the videogame industry, with years of work often never seeing the light of day when projects are cancelled. We've gotten to where we are by building upon the work of countless others, and we want to keep that going. We hope that some part of this codebase is useful or will inspire someone out there.
To build front-end assets for this project, Node.js and Yarn are required.
To build front-end assets for this project, you'll need to install
Node.js and Yarn. If you don't
have Yarn installed yet, follow its installation
instructions. Then run yarn install
and let it do the rest.
We use Webpack and Symfony Webpack Encore to automate most of the build process. These will have been installed for you if you followed the Yarn installation instructions above.
The following commands can be run from the root of the project to build:
yarn build
- Development build; primarily compiles Sass (SCSS) into CSS without minifying it and with sourcemaps. -
yarn build:production
- Builds everything for production:-
Sass is compiled into minified CSS without sourcemaps.
Optimized and thumbnail versions of screenshots are generated.
SVG icon bundle is built from individual source files.
Shortcut icons are generated at multiple sizes from a single source file.
yarn build:vendor
- Copies third-party front-end assets from the Yarn viritual file system into the publicly accessible web directory. Running this manually should not be required as it's set as apostinstall
lifecycle script and so should be run automatically by Yarn when you first install and subsequently if dependencies of this project change.
We have a fully automated deployment process on DigitalOcean's App Platform. See our deploy template for an overview of how our app spec is structured. The App Platform build process builds all our front-end assets via Yarn.
If you'd like to give this repository a try (and also potentially get us referral credits 👉👈 🥺), use this link:
- Convert to a Drupal site using Layout Builder for easier content management.
The following major version bumps indicate breaking changes:
Front-end dependencies now installed via Yarn.
Front-end build process ported to Webpack.
Switched from Node Sass to Dart Sass.
Converted stylesheets to Sass modules.
Content updates for Neurocracy 2.049 re-release.
directory toweb
in keeping with Drupal projects.