This is repository is going be rewritten to general navigation framework with WPF and ASP.NET implementations - blueprint.
Model (class) base navigation and routing for ASP.NET (Core) MVC
This library is distributed on NuGet under APACHE 2.0 license.
The ASP.NET routing and link creation is missing type safety. In this library the routing is based on models, a C# define classes for each route. We can quite simply satify default route from MVC with model:
public class MvcRoute : RouteModel
public string Controller { get; private set; }
public string Action { get; private set; }
public int? Id { get; private set; }
public MvcRoute(string controller, string action, int? id = null)
: base(null)
Controller = controller;
Action = action;
Id = id;
And then, when creating link in Razor's .cshtml
, we can use:
@Html.ModelLink("Go Home!", new MvcRoute("Home", "Index"))
This is a bit better, but not that much. Let's see how we can declare route from blog post. We want url in form like blog/{Year}/{Month}/{Day}/{Slug}
. In the standart MVC, we need to create route link like this:
@Html.RouteLink("View post", new {
Year = post.PublishedAt.Year,
Month = post.PublishedAt.Month,
Day = post.PublishedAt.Day,
Slug = post.Slug
But when using Neptuo.AspNet.Navigation
, we can do the same with this code:
@Html.ModelLink("View post", new BlogPostRoute(post.PublishedAt, post.Slug))
We also benefit from the fact, then the model can deconstruct the date itself. So route model is defined like:
public class BlogPostRoute : RouteModel
public int Year { get; private set; }
public int Month { get; private set; }
public int Day { get; private set; }
public string Slug { get; private set; }
public BlogPostRoute(DateTime publishedAt, string slug)
Year = publishedAt.Year;
Month = publishedAt.Month;
Day = publishedAt.Day;
Slug = slug;
Sample web application (in the src/sample) contains usage of all features, including route constraints.
The registration process is pretty straightforward, just add the model to the route collection using extension method:
We can easily use the route class in the parameter of action method to bind-in parameters. Note that for this use the property setters must be public.
public class BlogController
public ActionResult Post(BlogPostRoute parameters)
// TODO: Find blog post by Year, Month, Day and Slug...