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MongoDB Express.js React Node.js

1. HTML 8. Node JS
2. CSS 9. Express JS
3. JavaScript 10. Rest API
4. React JS 11. Mongo DB
5. Redux ToolKit 12. MERN
7. TypeScript 14. Next JS

Download Resources / Projects

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  1. Survey Form
  2. Login Form
  3. News Website
  4. Technical documentation Page
  5. Youtube Clone
  6. Ecommerce Website


  1. Clock
  2. JS Calculator
  3. News Website
  4. JS Guess the color game
  5. To-Do list
  6. Productive app
  7. Quiz game
  8. Browser code editor

TailwandCSS, ReactJS, ReduxToolkit, Firebase_PROJECTS

  1. QR_code_Generatoe
  2. BackgroundChanger, React carousel
  3. CodePen Editor Clone
  4. Image Background Remover
  5. Video Calling web App
  6. Movie Searching
  7. Weather App
  8. ReeactJs and Firebase Authentication
  9. React Firebase CRUD Application
  10. React Blog Project
  11. React News Project
  12. Netflix Clone
  13. React and Firebase E-commerce Project
  14. Advance Quiz web app
  15. Portfolio Project

Full Stack Web-Development RoadMap (MERN)



  1. Introduction
  2. Hml Structure
  3. Heading
  4. Container
  5. Div tag
  6. Span tag
  7. pre tag
  8. p tag
  9. text formating tag
  10. code tag
  11. list
  12. table
  13. media
  14. forms
  15. links
  16. semantic element


  1. Introduction
  2. Hml id and class Attributes
  3. Three way to add css to html
  4. Css Selectors
  5. Colors And background
  6. Css Box Model
  7. Fonts And Display
  8. Size, Position and Lists
  9. Flex box
  10. Css grid and media queries
  11. Transform, Transition and Animation


No Topics No Topics
1. JavaScript Introduction 26. JavaScript Array Methods
2. JavaScript Where To 27. JavaScript Array Search
3. JavaScript Output 28. JavaScript Sorting Arrays
4. JavaScript Statements 29. JavaScript Array Iteration
5. JavaScript Syntax 30. JavaScript Array Const
6. JavaScript Comments 31. JavaScript Date Objects
7. JavaScript Variables 32. JavaScript Math Object
8. JavaScript Let 33. Javascript Random
9. JavaScript Var 34. JavaScript Booleans
10. JavaScript Const 35. JavaScript Comparison and Logical Operators
11. JavaScript Operators 36. JavaScript if, else, else if, and Switch
12. JavaScript Arithmetic 37. JavaScript Loop [For, For In,For Of, While Loop]
13. JavaScript Assignment 38. JavaScript Maps
14. JavaScript Data Types 39. JavaScript typeof
15. JavaScript Functions 40. JavaScript Type Conversion
16. JavaScript Objects 41. JavaScript Errors
17. JavaScript Events 42. JavaScript Modules
18. JavaScript Strings 43. JavaScript JSON
19. JavaScript String Methods 44. JS Async
20. JavaScript String Search 45. JavaScript Local Storage
21. JavaScript Template Strings
22. JavaScript Numbers
23. JavaScript Number Methods
24. JavaScript Number Properties
25. JavaScript Arrays

Tailwind CSS

1.TailwindCss Introduction

  1. TailwindCss Fonts & Sizing
  2. TailwindCss Margins, Padding & Borders
  3. TailwindCss Background Color : 43:36
  4. TailwindCss Square Bracket Notation
  5. Creating Responsive Designs
  6. Creating Hover, Focus & Other States
  7. Creating @apply directive in Tailwind
  8. Creating Customizing Tailwind CSS using tailwind.config.js file
  9. Flex Box

React Js

  1. React Introduction
  2. React Setup
  3. JavaScript Refresher
  4. React JSX
  5. React Components
  6. React Props
  7. ReactJs Events
  8. React Conditional Rendering
  9. React Lists Rendering
  10. React Router
  11. React Css Styling
  12. React Hook Introduction
  13. React useState Hook
  14. React useEffect Hook
  15. React useReducer Hook
  16. React useMemo Hook
  17. React callback Hook
  18. React Context Api Hook
  19. React useRef Hook
  20. React Fetch Api
  21. React Fetching data using axios
  22. React Animation
  23. Protected Routes In React Js
  24. Upload Images To cloudinary in React Js

Redux Toolkit

  1. What is Redux
  2. To understand Redux, you must understand the “one-way data flow”
  3. known as unidirectional data flow.
  4. Why Use Redux
  5. Install Redux Toolkit and React-Redux
  6. Create a Redux Store
  7. Provide the Redux Store to React
  8. Create a Redux State Slice
  9. Add Slice Reducers to the Store
  10. Use Redux State and Actions in React Components
  11. Get And Update state in Redux Store
  12. -> useSelector
  13. -> useDispatch
  14. Redux Dev Tool
  15. Create Ecommerce Cart System [ Data Manage ]


  1. Introduction
  2. Features of Firebase
  3. -> Authentication
  4. -> Cloud Firestore
  5. -> Hosting
  6. -> Storage
  7. -> Firebase Cloud Messaging(FCM)


  1. TypeScript Introduction
  2. TypeScript Getting Started
  3. TypeScript Simple Types
  4. TypeScript Special Types
  5. TypeScript Arrays
  6. TypeScript Tuples
  7. TypeScript Object Types
  8. TypeScript Enums
  9. TypeScript Type Aliases and Interfaces
  10. TypeScript Union Types
  11. TypeScript Functions
  12. TypeScript Casting
  13. TypeScript Classes
  14. TypeScript Basic Generics
  15. TypeScript Utility Types
  16. TypeScript Keyof
  17. TypeScript Null & Undefined
  18. to Use TypeScript with React
  19. Getting Started
  20. React and TypeScript Basics
  21. Three Ways of Defining Prop Types
  22. #How to Create a Random Users List Application
  23. How to Store the Users List in State
  24. How to Display the Users on the Ul
  25. How to Create a Separate User Component
  26. How to Create a Separate File for Type Declarations
  27. How to Display a Loading Indicator
  28. How to Load Users on Button Click
  29. How to Handle the Change Event


Node JS

  1. Nodes Introduction
  2. Node.js Get Started
  3. Node.js Modules
  4. Node.js HTTP Module
  5. Node js File System Module
  6. Node.js URL Module
  7. Node.js NPM
  8. Node.js Events
  9. Node.js Upload Files
  10. Node.js Send an Email

Express JS

  1. Express js Introduction
  2. Install Express.js
  3. Express.js Request Object
  4. Express.js GET Request
  5. Express.js POST Request
  6. Express.js Routing
  7. Express.js Cookies Management
  8. Express.js File Upload
  9. Express.js Middleware
  10. Express.js Scaffolding

Rest API

  • A RESTful API is an architectural style for an application program interface (API)that uses HTTP requests to access and use data. That data can be used to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data types, which refers to the reading, updating, creating and deleting of operations concerning resources.

Mongo DB

  1. Node.js MongoDB
  2. Creating a Database
  3. Create Collection
  4. MongoDB Insert
  5. MongoDB Find
  6. MongoDB Query
  7. MongoDB Sort
  8. MongoDB Delete
  9. MongoDB Drop
  10. MongoDB Update
  11. MongoDB Limit
  12. MongoDB Join


  1. Mern Stack Introduction
  2. Frontend and Backend Folder Setup
  3. eNoteBook database and express Server Setup
  4. Creating Routes & Schema
  5. Storing Data into the Database Using Mongoose Model
  6. Creating a Special database Name
  7. Creating ThunderClient Collections to Manage Requests
  8. Creating Signup EndPoint
  9. Understanding Password Hashing, Salt
  10. Hashing Passwords using bcryptjs in NodeJs
  11. Creating Login EndPoint
  12. Creating a middleware to decode user from a JWT
  13. Creating Endpoints for get All notes and Add Note in notes.js
  14. Updating an existing Note
  15. Creating Endpoint for deleting a Note
  16. Creating Endpoint for Get Notes by Id
  17. Integrate all APIs with frontend


Features 1. Travel Log App Features 2. Public blog App
1. Browse the travel experiences of other people 1. Login/Signup to the application
2. Ad their own experience 2. Create articles
3. Travellers can add multiple factors to an experience 3. View a List of all the articles
4. Location 4. Edit/Delete his/her articles
5. Images of the Location 5. Add categories, tags, and filters to list blog page
6. Cost of Travel 6. Follow other articles’ authors
7. Heritages of the location 7. Favorite/like articles
8. Places to Visit 8. Add comments to the articles
Features 3. Workout Tracker App Features 4. Real-time Chat App
1. Access a wide range of exercise options 1. Login/Signup to access the application
2. Add your own set of exercises 2. Invite people to use emails
3. Add your weekly/daily schedule 3. Create chat rooms
4. The view of the workout routine of others 4. Add one-on-one chat with other users
5. As workout-related queries through a forum

5. E-Commerce Website

  • A user-facing application
  • An admin dashboard for managing products
  • Users can do the following things on this application.
  • Login/Register for visit application
  • Browse through different products
  • Filter products based on category, price, etc
  • Like/review products
  • Add them to the cart/wish list
  • Edit/Delete his/her account
  • Admin can do the following tasks on the admin dashboard:
  • Add/list products
  • Update product details, quantity, etc.
  • View list of all the users
  • Block/unblock a particular user

6. Bookstore Library & Stock Keeping app

  1. User Interface
  2. Admin Interface

Users registered for this application can:

  • Browse books from the library
  • Filter them based on category, author, publications, etc
  • Pay & Rent them for a specific duration
  • Like/Review them

Admin of this application can:

  • List/manage books
  • Track rented books and their availability.
  • Send notifications via email to users once the lease expires.

7.Hospital Management App

  • View a list of doctors from different specialty
  • View available surgeries/therapies options
  • Schedule an appointment at a particular time
  • View application progress status
  • Get medical reports

This will help doctors to :

  • View their appointments
  • Show their availability for the hospital
  • Track the patient's application status

8. Video Conferencing App/Website

  1. Video/Audio Conferencing It's essential that all communication, including whiteboard doodling so that others can see your point/opinion, texting, emoting, etc, takes place in real-time (you may use for it).
  2. Video-recording

9.Personal Project Management Tool

Next JS











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