This is a virtual whiteboard application ment for mathmatics. It works based on a client server structure (both included in this repository). Users are anonym to each other, the number of users can be changed in the server.
The clients see a canvas with theoretically ~((2^64)^2) workspaces. All actions are replicated on all users canvas.
LMB = Painting
RMB = Erasing
MMB = Cycle colors (red, green, blue)
Arrows = Change Workspace
t = Text Input
T = Cli Input
Return = End Text Input
#TODO tell everyone to do with it as they like
but try to follow the roadmap
Things that would improve this application:
- cli color selector
- gui color selector
- native plotter (not tex based)
- following mechanic (for changing workspace)
- variable resolution
- variable aspect ratio
- optimize netcode (non ascii)