todo is a simple command line todo application written in Rust. It provides a simple interface to manage your tasks. Tasks can be added, edited, listed, marked as done and removed. Tasks can also be tagged and filtered by priority, due date and tags.
brew tap msa-ali/todo
brew install todo
Add a task to the todo listlist
List tasks in the todo listdone
Mark a task as doneremove
Remove a task from the todo listhelp
Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help
Print help-V, --version
Print version
Add a task to the todo list
Usage: todo add [OPTIONS] <NAME>
Name of the task
-p, --priority
Mark the task as high priority-d, --due-date <DUE_DATE>
Due date of the task (format: DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS)-t, --tags <TAGS>
Tags for the task (format: tag1,tag2,tag3)-h, --help
Print help
todo add "Buy milk" -t groceries
todo add "Complete code review" -p -d "28-01-2024 12:00:00" -t work
Edit a task in the todo list
Usage: todo edit [OPTIONS] <TASK_ID>
ID of the task to edit
-n, --name <NAME>
Update name-p, --priority <PRIORITY>
Mark the task as high priority-d, --due-date <DUE_DATE>
Update due date (format: DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS)-t, --tags <TAGS>...
Update tags (format: tag1,tag2,tag3)-c, --complete <COMPLETE>
Update completion status [possible values: true, false]-h, --help
Print help
todo edit 1 -n "Buy milk and eggs" -t groceries
todo edit 1 -p false -d "28-01-2024 12:00:00" -t work
List tasks in the todo list
Usage: todo list [OPTIONS]
-p, --priority
List only high priority tasks-d, --due-before <DUE_BEFORE>
List only tasks that are due before given date (format: DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS)-t, --tags <TAGS>
List only tasks belonging to given tag(s)-h, --help
Print help
todo list
todo list -p
todo list -d "20-12-2020 12:00:00" -t work
Mark a task as done
Usage: todo done <TASK_ID>
ID of the task to mark as done
-h, --help
Print help
todo done 1
Remove a task from the todo list
Usage: todo remove <TASK_ID>
ID of the task to remove
-h, --help
Print help
todo remove 1
List all tags in the todo list
Usage: todo tags
Reset the todo list
Usage: todo reset