The project involves studying and comparing key performance indicators for a leading telecom company by utilizing Tableau. It was developed as an end-to-end tableau project for Code Basics Resume Project Challenge.
AtliQo is one of the leading telecom providers in India and launched it’s 5G plans in May 2022 along with other telecom providers.
However, the management noticed a decline in their active users and revenue growth post 5G launch in May 2022. Atliqo’s business director requested their analytics team to provide a comparison report of KPIs between pre and post-periods of the 5G launch. The management is keen to compare the performance between these periods and get insights which would enable them to make informed decisions to recover their active user rate and other key metrics. They also wonder if they can optimize their internet plans to get more active users. Peter Pandey, a junior data analyst is assigned to this task.
- Imagine yourself as Peter Pandey and perform the following task
- Create the comparison report based on the mock-up provided. Please note the mock-up is created by a business user who has a minimal idea about dashboarding. Hence you need to represent the insights in a much better way
- The target audience of this dashboard is top-level management - hence the dashboard should be self-explanatory and easy to understand Create relevant insights not provided in the metric list/mock-up dashboard to support the cause.
- The Total revenue has dropped by 7.8%, but once the 5G services was implemented, there was only a decrease of 0.5%
- The average revenue per user for the company is currently at 200.7 rupees, and after the implementation of 5G, it has seen a significant increase of 11%
- After 5G, there was a sharp drop of 23.5% in unsubscribed users, which came after a reduction of 8.3% in total active users
- Mumbai, Delhi, and Kolkata are the top three cities that contribute the most to revenue and have the most active user base
- Customers in Mumbai, Patna and Lucknow account for the top three average revenues per user
- AtliQo holds the 3rd highest market share and has maintained that position throughout the year
- The plan "p1" has been the top performer in terms of revenue and has seen a 32% increase in revenue after the implementation of 5G technology
- The plans "p11", "p12" and "p13" were introduced after 5G. "p11" and "p12" have contributed moderately in terms of revenue, however "p13" did not receive much support from customers
- The plans "p2" and "p3" have performed well in terms of revenue both before and after the launch of 5G
Note: Some of the icons used in my project are from Next icons created by Pixel perfect - Flaticon.