This is a proof of concept for a live drawing app in Ruby with the JRubyArt Gem (based on processing-3.3.7, and jruby- java version openjdk version "1.8.0_172"
Get inspired by Bret Victor or join the project with your own idea..
This drawing was made from a 6 year old girl at the CoderDojo cologne...
There is a stand alone app to play with without need of installing all stuff. With "ellipse 50, 50, 80, 80" or "rect/line/fill" you can draw and with mouse dragging change the values.
Start JRubyArt with k9 -w simple_live_coding.rb
. This reloads simple_live_coding.rb
after saving and you can implement your ideas in this file
without need to restart. After implementation of the new feature just copy your code in a seperate file in the "main" directory and do "require_relative" for the file.
This is a live coding app...