Welcome to the Palindrome Checker project! This web application allows you to determine whether a given word or phrase is a palindrome.
Palindromes are words, phrases, or sequences that read the same forwards as they do backwards. The Palindrome Checker application helps you quickly identify whether a given input is a palindrome or not. The application takes advantage of JavaScript and Bootstrap to create a user-friendly interface for checking palindromes.
- Input validation: The application checks if the entered input is a palindrome, considering letters and numbers while ignoring special characters and spaces.
- User-friendly interface: The application provides a clean and intuitive interface to enter input and see the result.
- Keyboard shortcut: Users can press the "Enter" key after typing to check whether the input is a palindrome.
- Enter a word or phrase in the input field.
- Click the "Check" button or press the "Enter" key.
- The application will display whether the entered text is a palindrome or not.
- CSS (Bootstrap)
- JavaScript
The Palindrome Checker app is deployed and accessible at: https://palindrome-purplegem903.vercel.app/
This project is licensed under the MIT License.