This is a python based web scraping bot for windows to download all ACCEPTED submissions of any user on Codeforces
-- Google Chrome Installed on your System
Check chrome version from chrome->settings->about chrome,and download chromium for same version from below link
-- Chromium
-- Clone of this repository on your System
-- Python 3
Place the downloaded "chromedriver.exe" in the downloaded clone of this repository, click on "windows_autorunner.bat", Enter Username, Enter wanted extension of the files to be saved, sit back , and relax! 😄
--Windows user might get warning pop-up, click on "More Info" and then "Run Anyway" button.
--The execution time has been has been set fast. 💡For users with slow internet connection, in case you want to make the Script run slower, You can edit it in the "" file.💡
--Since Codeforces website gets updated frequently, you might encounter WebDriver errors. In that case, PLEASE raise an issue with related ScreenShots!
Your Accepted code files will be saved in "CODES" folder inside the same Folder!