This plugin is no longer supported or maintained, please see new Official GameMaker Extension.
Welcome to GameMaker Studio 2 Example Extension created by YellowAfterlife. It allows game developers to control the browsing and installation of mod files in their games. It uses a Haxe wrapper connected to the API, that currently supports GML/sys.threaded/js to make implementation easier. We have a test environment available which offers developers a private sandbox to try the GameMaker 2 Plugin out.
The demonstration file in this repository has small demos of getting user subscriptions/uploading mods/downloading mods. It is a very basic example and you will need to do additional work to get it running in your game.
It was originally made to power custom level support in Doodle Derby for Steam and Nintendo Switch.
You are welcome to play around and use our GameMaker Studio 2 Extension, however please note that the official, documented release will be completed in a few months, so you may need to do a bit of work to get this running in your game. Feedback is very welcome, and we are here to help get mods up and running in your game. Follow the steps below to get started with
- Add your game to our test environment or production
- Read our API documentation for an overview of how works
- Use our GameMaker Studio 2 plugin (and example here) to integrate into your game and mod making tools
- Ready to launch? Add your game to our production environment then let's discuss promoting your release
- Need help? Our team is available on Discord to assist and our getting started guide has more information for you
Our aim with, is to provide an open modding API. You are welcome to view, fork and contribute to our other codebases in use.