Lisp interpreter written in C
- Clone:
git clone
- Build (required for run or repl):
- Run:
lisp my_file.lisp
- Repl:
- Primitive data types and strings
- Common operators (
...) - Comments
- Variables
- Flow control (
) - Functions & lambdas
- Higher order functions
- Scopes
- S-expressions
- Q-expressions/lists and list operators
- Varargs
- Importing code
- Error reporting and stack traces
; Fibonacci
(fun {fib n} {
{ (== n 0) 0 }
{ (== n 1) 1 }
{ otherwise (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))) }
Call function with given list of args
= {params} {1 2 3}
fun {plus x y z} {+ x y z}
(curry plus params)
> 6
Call function with single list created from args
uncurry print 1 2 3
> {1 2 3}
Perform no of actions in sequence
do (= {x} 2) (+ x 4)
> 6
Create a local scope
let {do (= {x} 100) (x)}
> 100
> Error: Unbound Symbol 'x'
Logical functions
or (and true false) true
> 1
Flip arguments for currying
flip / 1 2
> 2
apply functions in sequence (comp f g x) -> f(g(x))
comp head last {1 2 {3 4 5}}
Return first, second or third element of list
fst {1 2 3 4}
> 1
snd {1 2 3 4}
> 2
trd {1 2 3 4}
> 3
Return element on nth index
nth 2 {1 2 3 4}
> 3
Return last element of list
last {1 2 3}
> 3
Length of list
len {1 2 3 5}
> 4
Take N items from list
take 2 {1 2 3 5}
> {1 2}
Drop N items from list
drop 2 {1 2 3 5}
> {3 5}
Split list at Nth element
split 1 {1 2 3 5}
> {{1 2} {3 5}}
Check for presence of element
elem 5 {1 2 3 5}
> 1
elem 9 {1 2 3 5}
> 0
Create new list by applying function to every elem of list
fun {square x} {* x x}
map square {1 2 3}
> {1 4 9}
Create a new list of items which match the condition
fun {even x} {== (% x 2) 0}
filter even {1 2 3 4}
> {2 4}
Fold left
foldl * 1 {2 2}
> 4
switch statement, takes zero or more (cond, body) pairs
(fun {numbers x} { case x {0 "Zero"} {1 "One"} })
numbers 0
> Zero
- Most of this repo is direct implementation of this amazing book with major difference being that I have written my own tokenizer and parser, instead of using parser-combinator library.