This repo contains the following packages. Click on the links below to see specifics on each individual package.
- The Ros Intro Bringup Package which is the entry point to run this project.
Create an extensible tutorial project for ROS (1).
- All units are in accordance with REP-103 unless explicitly specified.
- Download and setup docker Note: docker-compose is usually packaged with most Docker installations
- Download XQuartz
- Activate the option ‘Allow connections from network clients’ in XQuartz settings
- run
and copy your IP address into the.env
- The
file stores the build and run configuration for the project's docker container. - In particular, note the
varible in.env
could be one ofbase
Change directories into the root directory and run docker-compose build
Run docker-compose up
- For development and testing:
- In the
file, make sure to change the ENV variable todev
- Docker Compose pulls all its environment variables from this.env
file. - In a separate terminal window, run
docker attach rosintro
- Go to this project's root directory (where the Makefile exists)
- To run all packages specified in the d2_bringup launch file, run
make run
. - To see all make command options, simply run
- In the
- For production, change the .env
variable toprod
and run the docker image which should auto-start
When new packages are created, add a call to its main launch file to the rosweb_bringup package's launch file.
You can execute all tests by running make test
To execute just unit tests you can run make coverage
. Coverage reports are generated and can be viewed by opening the cover/index.html file in a browser.
To manually run one python unit test at a time you can run it like so: python -m unittest test_config
. (note: don't include the .py)
You can run an individual ROS node tes like so: rostest sample_package.test
- Unit Tests and ROS Node Tests should be written for all new code.
- All new code should go through a code review via pull requests
- Follow the team's ROS best practices
- Reference the quality checklist below and ensure your code checks off all relevant items
- README Documentation
- Changelog
- Code Documentation
- Docker Capable
- Makefile scripts
- Appropriate Logging
- Configuration Files
- Multiple Environment Support
- Unit Testing
- Node Unit Testing
- Integration Testing
- tmux comes installed if you use the Docker container
- You can use tmux to split the screen
tmux && tmux split
- You can move between screens with
ctrl-b then [up/down arrow key]
- You can scroll up and down with
ctrl-b then [
. - You can quit a window with
If you're having problems running the group in development, run catkin_make
and source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash