An <iframe>
displaying aggregated carpool offers from differenct sources to and from a place on a given day.
A demo of the <iframe>
is running at
(The <iframe>
can't be embedded here due to a restriction of GitHub Flavored Markdown.)
The code for embedding the <iframe>
<iframe src="" height="850" ></iframe>
It is recommened not to include an constant width attribute value. If omitted or better defined as width="100%" the iframe content will scale to the available width as good as possible.
A minimum value for height="840" should be specified to avoid vertical scrollbars for the iframe content.
The following URL parameters are available to define a behavior different from the default:
- go = [ to | from ] (default: to)
- to specify the direction of travel to or from the event location
- showdate = [ on | off ] (default: off)
- to show or hide the date information for each entry