This repo is used as a template during the creation of any new repositories in the @minecrafthome org
- On creation of a a new repo in the @minecrafthome GitHub organization, ensure this template is selected in the new repo screen. Do not select a license, add a .gitignore, or initialize the repo with a readme on this screen.
Once created, follow this checklist.
- Replace the description with a statement clearly representing the purpose of the new repo.
- If applicable, replace or remove the website URL.
- In addition to
, ensure a handful of relevant topics are used which categorize the purpose, subject, and top technologies used. - Topics which are not relevant to the new repo should be removed.
- Clone the new repo to your local machine, initialize the repo with an empty commit, and push this change.
$ git clone
Cloning into 'example'...
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
$ git commit -m 'feat: initial commit' --allow-empty
[master (root-commit) abc1234] feat: initial commit
$ git push
$ git push
Enumerating objects, done.
Counting objects, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads
Compressing objects, done.
Writing objects, done.
* [new branch] master -> master
Ensure .github/semantic.yml is configured with the appropriate scopes for the new repo. Scopes must be lower-case and represent a single component. Some common scopes are already defined, such as
for any readme or documentation changes andci
for any automated commits. -
Ensure renovate.json is configured. For example, enable or configure any managers which may be required depending on the technologies used in the new repo.